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Nicki laid in Beyoncé's arms asleep. She's hardly moved since she fell asleep in Beyoncé's arms. Her face laid snuggled into the crook of her neck while her thighs were over her legs.

Beyoncé's arms were around her keeping her close. She loved how comfortable Nicki was to sleep with her. She was starting to realise the connection they had beyond money which made her happy.

Beyoncé looked at the time and remembered Nicki had a test soon so she had to wake her

B: nicki

N: noooo

B: Nicki you need to wake up

N: no I don't

She whined

B: yes you do for your test

Nicki sighed

N: I'm gonna fail

B: don't say that. You're not

N: i am I don't remember anything

B: Nick you're a smart girl ok. You'll do great

She said before she kissed her cheek. Nicki looked at her.

N: I wake up if you gimme a kiss

Beyoncé laughed and kissed her lips. Instantly Nicki took over and rolled her over so she was on her back.

When they stopped they just looked at each other.

B: are you up now?

N: yes

B: good. Now get ready I'll take you.

Nicki nodded and got ready which didn't take very long she just did her morning routine and put some clothes on and didn't bother with any makeup and she was ready.

B: let's go have breakfast

N: Kay

They went to the kitchen where the chef had already made breakfast for them. They thanked him and ate their food. Once they were done they got in the car and the driver drove them to Nicki's university.

Once they pulled up Beyoncé spoke up.

B: you'll do great don't worry ok?

Nicki nodded and Beyoncé kissed her forehead and it made her happy how Nicki didn't reject it.

B: I'll be here to pick you up

N: okay bye. And thanks for everything B

She said hugging her before she got out the car

B: you're welcome. Bye

She watched her get out and walk into the school and she decided to just drive around.


Nicki walked out of the building and was walking to find where Beyoncé was parked when she heard a familiar voice next to her.

R: hey

She turned to see it was Rihanna. Nicki kept her straight face

N: hey

R: can we talk?

N: about?

R: what happened yesterday. I'm sorry I told you to leave I didn't want you to really

N: you didn't tell me to leave you gave me the choice and I took it

R: okay... I just wanted to say I'm sorry

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