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N: I can't believe this will be the first time going to where you work

Nicki giggled as she sat In the car with Beyoncé holding her hand. Beyoncé smiled at her excitement and put her arm around her.

B: You think you could get used to that?

N: Mhm

She said nodding before laying her head down on her shoulder.


Once they reached Beyoncé's office building Beyoncé helped Nicki out of the car and they walked into the building. Beyoncé had a meeting but Nicki didnt want to stay back at the hotel bored, instead she said she'd wait for Beyoncé here.

Since Beyoncé gave her the heads up of seeing her mom again Nicki chose to wear something more smart but casual so she could at least try to alter her first impression of her, hopefully it will work.

They got in the elevator and went up to the top floor and the closer they got the more nervous Nicki got. She wanted Tina to like her whether her and Beyoncé had a good relationship or not.

When the doors opened Beyoncé shown Nicki to her office, which she was amazed by. The architecture was amazing and it was clean which was uncommon for Beyoncé.

N: Wow, you can really tell you ain't been here in a long time, this the only room you own thats clean.

Beyoncé rolled her eyes playfully while laughing.

B: Whatever

She laughed. They sat down but were soon joined by the door opening to show Tina walking through. She looked ready for business but stopped in her tracks and rolled her eyes at Nicki.

T: Why is she here?

N: Hi Miss Knowles

She said nervously but trying to act as calm as possible. Tina just looked at her before turning back to Beyoncé.

T: I'm waiting.

B: Because I wanted her here. She's not your guest so it shouldn't be a problem.

Tina rolled her eyes

T: Well the meetings starting any minute now

Beyoncé got up from her chair and her and nick immediately hugged.

B: I'll see you in like an hour or two okay?

N: Okay have a good meeting

Beyoncé smiled and kissed her forehead

B: Thanks, my assistant should be up any minute so tell her if you want anything okay?

Nicki nodded and they hugged once more and she watched them walk out. She heard Tina say 'I hope you locked the safe' of their way out which made her sigh when they were out of sight. She doesn't know what shed have to do to get her approval....


?: And this is how we can improve sales by 150% by the time autumn is in season.

B: Great! So when do you think we can put that project into place?

?: In about 2 weeks time ma'am.

B: Great, I love it we should go with that

The man nodded and sat down and the next presenter got ready when Tina spoke up.

T: I'm gonna go to the bathroom, excuse me

She said getting up and exiting the meeting room. Tina instead went back to Beyoncé's office to see what Nicki was doing which was sitting down on the couch on her phone. Tina walked in which made Nicki turn her head to see who it was. When she saw it was Tina she did a little smile but Tina didn't do the same back she kept her straight face and sat down across from her.

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