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Oh Shit

Nicki was making breakfast for her and Rihanna when her phone went off. It was a message from someone from the seeking arrangements app.

B: okay great! See you saturday😁

Nicki frowned. When did she set a date? When did she even start talking to anyone on the site? This was too weird. She went on the conversation and saw what Beyoncé has messaged her first and then saw her reply. She saw that it was sent last night and figured Rihanna did it. She rolled her eyes and went to her room.

N: why did you say yes to the date

R: fuck sake Nicki I know your bi but I still need privacy

She said trying to cover her naked body. Nicki didn't really care she's saw her naked before.

N: answer my question

R: you said to take care of it so I did

N: a date!!! All you needed to do was ask me

R: and all you needed to do was to give me a chance to actually ask you before you start talking "I'm tired whatever's happening take care of it" and then go night night on me.

Nicki sighed.

R: she seems nice just go on Saturday. What you think you signed up to that site for?

N: I know but... I don't wanna get killed

Rihanna rolled her eyes back to the gods and sighed

R: nicki you're not gonna get killed

N: so what I'm hearing is you'll come with me on Saturday to protect me?

She said with a enthusiastic smile

R: why the fuck would I wanna third wheel on your date

N: it's not a date we're just meeting up. And you don't have to third wheel. Just sit at a table behind us or something.

Rihanna sighed

R: fine. But I'm getting 10% of what she gives you. A bitch broke too

N: whatever.

R: ungrateful ass bitch

She shouted as Nicki left her room to carry on cooking. She wondered how this date would go. She just hoped Beyoncé was an ok person with no weird fetishes.



B: I transferred you money to get across town

N: thank you, You didn't have to do that.

B: no problem. See you there


Nicki checked her bank and saw that Beyoncé transferred her $100. She really didn't need all that money for a trip... but she did for other things so she didn't say anything.

N: rih you ready?!

R: yes yes yes calm your tits

Nicki giggled

N: you look cute

R: as do you mini muffin. I see your outfit is screaming 'I want da schmoney'

Nicki laughed and looked at herself in the mirror.

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