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B: Baby!

Beyoncé laughed trying to get Nicki off of her. They had just finished their first tutoring session and it went well, what really helped Nicki was her little rewards for answering questions which was a kiss for every correct answer but now it seemed as if she couldn't get enough.

N: Gimme one last one

She whined as she hovered over her trying to kiss her.

B: You already had your last one, we're done now

N: Well gimme a kiss just because

Beyoncé laughed and they kissed. It got passionate really quickly and before they knew it they were French kissing. Beyoncé turned on her side and moved Nicki's outer leg over her hip making them snuggle on the couch even closer as they kissed. Beyoncé returned her arms around Nicki and she held her closely. When they stopped for air they just rested their foreheads on each other.

B: I love you

She whispered on her lips making Nicki smile.

N: I love you too

She whispered back before pecking her lips. Beyoncé intertwined her fingers with Nicki's and brought her hand up to kiss it making Nicki smile. Beyoncé just played with her hand as they laid there in silence. she compared their hand sizes realising they weren't that far off from being the same size. she stared at Nicki's bare ring finger as she rubbed her hand with her thumb.

B: One day a ring is gonna be on that finger

she said before kissing her ring finger making Nicki smile and blush. Nicki Felt butterflies in her stomach again knowing hearing how deeply Beyoncé loved her to marry her Nicki put her face into the pillow making Beyoncé laugh knowing she's trying to hide her blushing.

N: Stop being sweet

She whined happily making Beyoncé laugh again. She kissed her cheek and pulled her closer.

B: Never

Nicki whimpered making them both giggle.

B: You're such a baby

N: That's because you made me one.

B: Oh really?

She asked sarcastically raising her brow at her. Nicki nodded trying not to laugh

N: Mhm, its all your fault

Beyoncé laughed making Nicki join in. Beyoncé pulled her in closer and kissed her forehead.

B: well maybe it was but I'm still gonna treat you as my baby. You are my princess after all

Nicki giggled in the crook of her neck. She doesn't know why Beyoncé could still give her the feels of butterflies. She heard Beyoncé giggle a little and it made her smile brightly feeling her hands rub her back and her lips kiss Nicki's cheek several times.

B: I love you

N: I love you too

She said with a big smile on her face. They just laid there in silence until Beyoncé opened her eyes again from resting them realising something.

B: we should get back to work. You distracted me

Nicki giggled and snuggled into her wrapping her arms around her

N: let's take a nap first.

B: no

N: yes come on pwetty pwease?!

She asked pouting at her. Beyoncé just looked at her trying not to give in

B:... don't pout at me

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