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Beyoncé waited by the front door anxiously waiting for Nicki to finally come down the stairs. Even though they were both comfortable with each other, Beyoncé could still get nervous around her.

Suddenly Nicki appeared in the middle of the staircase and Beyoncé's mouth dropped little by little the closer she got.

She was wearing a mid-length red dress with minimal jewellery and natural looking makeup. Beyoncé was blown away.

The closer Nicki got to the bottom of the stair case Beyoncé decided to go over to help her on her last step just to be polite.

B: wow... you look amazing

Nicki blushed and giggled as she held her hand.

N: thank you. You don't look too bad yourself

They giggled

B: thanks. You ready?

Nicki nodded and they left out to go on their date. Beyoncé pulled off and took them to their location. Nicki had no idea where they were going but decided to ask no questions and just have small talk.

When Beyoncé parked Nicki saw that they were on top of a mountain cliff where the full moon was and the night sky was decorated by all the stars

N: this is so cute

B: I'm glad you like it

She said helping her out. They walked to the picnic and sat down. Beyoncé was happy with Nicki's reaction to the date. She would've loved to have put together the most extravagant date ever for her but she thought to make sure Nicki really liked her whether she had money or not.

N: this is really cute. I would've never thought of this.

Beyoncé giggled.

B: I'm glad you don't care that we didn't go out to eat or anything too fancy

N: no we don't have to. As long as we have a good time talking and laughing then that's all I can ask for.... and for food. You know how I love food

They both laughed.

B: I do that's why I knew we couldn't just come here to watch the stars we needed food involved.

Nicki laughed making Beyoncé do the same. Beyoncé poured them some wine and they cheered to the evening.

B: so what do you want to eat?

N: hm that's always a tough question

Beyoncé laughed and just unpacked everything so she had a variety of different choices.

B: so how do you feel about this age thing?

N: I'm fine with it. I mean it's not like we're doing anything illegal and it doesn't matter to me. How do you feel about it?

B: I didn't mind at first but sometimes I did feel a bit insecure thinking you could easily find someone your age that maybe has been better suited to you. You know? But with you saying that it's made me happy

N: good. I don't really care about the age thing when it comes to relationships. When you have a connection with someone you just have a connection

B: ... and you think we have a connection?

N: yeah

She said as she blushed making Beyoncé smile.


N: how did you find this place?

B: I always used to come here to clear my head.

N: why'd you stop?

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