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B:You ready babe?

Beyoncé asked Nicki as she put all her luggage by the door. Nicki came out from their bedroom and nodded getting her luggage. Nicki has gotten real quiet over the week they've been there. Beyoncé has asked her what was wrong but Nicki either says she's fine or doesn't want to talk and it hurt Beyoncé to hear that she didnt want to talk to her. 

They got their luggage and went downstairs. Nicki went to the car while Beyoncé checked out and went to the car. She let the driver put her luggage in the back of the car and got in the car and sat next to Nicki. 

B: You ok?


She said looking elsewhere. Beyoncé didnt know why she was acting as if she was a stranger to her. it was really hurting her, but she wanted to stick it out in case Nicki ever broke down or something. She wanted to be there for her. 


Beyoncé was really upset by the time they got home. Nicki never spoke in the airport or on the plane. She hasn't even kissed Beyoncé today and she felt so low without Nicki's affection. She was beginning to feel how she felt in her past relationships when they were deteriorating. Back then she was blind and numb to the feeling but this time she knew it all too well and was scared if Nicki wasn't being who she said she was. She was scared beyond belief because she really loved her. 

Nicki on the other hand, was feeling guilty as hell because she hadn't told Beyoncé what had happened between her mom and Nicki. It was eating her alive but she was so scared to tell her. she didnt want Beyoncé to cut off her mom and in result of being afraid she found herself distancing herself from Beyoncé. she felt so guilty she was beginning to think she didnt deserve her because she was keeping so much inside when it should've been aired a long tine ago. she just didnt want to cause trouble. 

when they got home they both went upstairs to unpack but this time Nicki went to a guest room as she planned on sleeping away from Beyoncé. sleeping next to her knowing she was keeping important information and feelings inside killed her and she didnt want to feel so bad anymore. Beyoncé stopped and watched her walk down the other hallway and go into the guest room and her eyes filled up with tears threatening to fall. She went back to her room and just sat on the bed trying her hardest not to cry but tears came down anyways. she wanted to know so badly why Nicki was acting like this but every time she asked she got rejected from he truth so she felt like there was no point in trying. 

She unpacked her stuff and sat on the bed as anger started to take over her emotions. she didnt want to be mad at Nicki but it was hard not to be. she had told Nicki countless times that she was there for her when she needed her and she's not allowing Beyoncé to be there for her at all. 

She decided to get up and go to the guest room where Nicki was and she saw her unpacking with tears down her face. 

B: What's going on, talk to me Nicki

Nicki wiped her eyes quickly and just looked down

N: I dont know what you're talking about

B: Yes you do. Ever since we went to Texas you've been distancing yourself away from me and I dont like it. You dont even kiss me anymore or look me in the eye. Why?

She said sadly

N: B please just stop I don't wanna talk right now

B: You never wanna talk to me anymore. How are we supposed to be in a relationship with no communication. Do you want to be with me anymore?

N: You know I do

B: I don't because you dont seem like you do

Nicki sighed

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