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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AUTHOR'S NOTE

Thanks you to everyone who congratulated me on getting to university I wanted to reply to the people who just congratulated me but it wasn't letting me reply so take this as my thank you. Love you💕

I just had my birthday so sorry I've been so long to upload.



Beyoncé walked by the living room on her way out to see Nicki laid on the couch doing her work. She silently went over there and wrapped her arms around her making her jump.

N: B you scared me!

Beyoncé giggled and kissed her cheek.

B: I'm gonna go to that meeting now I should be back before 6

N: Okay have a good meeting

B: Thanks baby. love you

N: Love you too

She said looking up and kissing her. Beyoncé left and Nicki carried on with her work.


Nicki received a text from her cousin, Dream and she read it.

D: have you talked to your parents?

N: no why?

Before Drea could even reply her phone started ringing showing it was her mom calling. She hesitantly accepted it after a few seconds.

N: hello?

Carol (mom): Onika

Nicki closed her eyes hating when she called her that

N: yes mom?

C: why haven't you called?

N: I've been busy

C: with what?

N: ... school

C: mhm and are you still staying with Rihanna?

N: ...... why-

C: answer my question. And you better not lie

She said seriously making Nicki's heart beat faster.

N: no I'm not

C: so who are you staying with?

N:..... my... girlfriend

She heard her mom sigh over the phone. She knew Nicki was bisexual but always preferred her to have a man.

C: I need to meet her.

Nicki did a deep gulp wanting to disagree.

C: we will do lunch this Friday

N: um she'll have to see if she's not busy-

C: see you then

She said cutting her off before ending the call. Nicki hated the feeling she had after talking to her mother every time she felt as if she was on a leash and taken advantage of.

Honestly, she really didn't want Beyoncé to meet her. She'd rather her not know about her at all but it was too late now.


Nicki was cooking dinner for her and Beyoncé when she heard her enter the house which made her feel giddy.

Beyoncé made her way to the kitchen to see Nicki cooking as usual. It wasn't a thing Beyoncé expected of her Nicki just naturally likes to cook a lot and Beyoncé wasn't complaining her food was so good.

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