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Nicki woke up feeling better than ever. She stirred a little and felt hands rub her hair all the way to her ass gently. It made her smile knowing who it was and she scooted up and snuggled her face into Beyoncé's neck. She felt Beyoncé gently kiss her shoulder up to her cheek making her smile. Beyoncé felt Nicki's cheeks go up into a smile and it made her do the same. She started to tickle her sides making Nicki giggle and it made her so happy. Being without her really made her grateful for all the time she gets to be with her.

N: mm! that tickles

She said trying to sound serious but it only made Beyoncé giggle.

B: Good morning beautiful

Nicki blushed and kissed her cheek.

N: Good morning baby

Beyoncé pecked her lips a couple times making her smile.

B: How'd you sleep?

N: Good, what about you?

B: I slept great

She said before kissing her forehead making Nicki blush as she rested her head back on her shoulder. She sighed as her hand slithered into Beyoncé's.

N: I missed you so much

B: I missed you too... Next time you try to leave me imma carry your ass back to bed

Nicki giggled and pecked her lips before staring into her eyes.

N: There won't be a next time

B: Promise?

N: Promise

She said before leaning in to give her a kiss.

They both decided to get up and do their morning routine. When they were done Nicki decided to make breakfast for the two of them instead of the chef. Beyoncé liked watching Nicki cook anyways, she was so sexy even when she wasn't trying.

Beyoncé sat at the counter and watched Nicki cook. Nicki noticed her staring and it made her blush.

N: you could at least help me lazy

Beyoncé got up and wrapped her arms around her.

B: what would you like me to do your majesty?

She said before kissing her neck

N: get the plates and knives and forks out please

B: okay

Beyoncé did as she was told and then they heard the doorbell go off all of a sudden.

B: I'll get it

Nicki nodded and continued cooking while Beyoncé went to get the door. She opened it to see her mother there surprisingly.

T: hey baby

She said with a small smile. She hadn't called Beyoncé 'baby' since she was so little but it made her heart flutter hearing Tina call her it again.

B: hey. Come in

She said moving aside for her. She closed the door behind her and looked at her again.

B: why you here?

She asked genuinely curious. There wasn't anything important to do with business that they needed to discuss.

T: I came to apologise to you and Nicki. I know I probably was the worst mother growing up and you needed more of me and for that I'm truly sorry. What you're dad did hurt me really badly but I should've never taken it out on you. I'm sorry

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