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Nicki sat on top of Beyoncé's lower back while she gave her a massage. Beyoncé had just come back from work tired as ever and Nicki decided to give her a massage to help her feel better. She lighted some scented candles and got some oils and Beyoncé was loving it so far.

N: you feel ok baby?

B: mhm

She said giving her a thumbs up. Nicki smiled and continued massaging her.

30 mins later, Nicki had finished massaging Beyoncé's back and Beyoncé just stayed there after Nicki got off her which made her laugh

N: baby you don't wanna get up?

Beyoncé shook her head.

B: I feel so good. That was amazing thank you baby

N: you're welcome. I'm gonna go cook you some food

B: wifeeeeeeey!

Beyoncé whined making Nicki laugh

B: I love you so much

She said in a grateful tone

N: I love you more. Relax I'll be in the kitchen if you need me

B: ok. Gimme kiss before you go

Nicki gave her a slow sensual kiss on the lips

B: mmm gimme another one

Nicki giggled and went back in to give her another one.

N: ok I'm going now

B: don't be gone too long, I'll miss you too much

Nicki giggled at her acting cute and just kissed her cheek

N: I won't. Just go to sleep baby love you

B: love you more

Nicki left the room and started Beyoncé's favourite dinner. She just wanted to make her happy and feel good by having all her favourite things around.

Nicki realised that even though she doesn't really have the money to spoil Beyoncé the way she does her, she has found alternatives to make her happy which made her feel good but she wished she had the same amount of money as her so she could buy her anything she wanted but then again she couldn't think of anything Beyoncé wanted that she doesn't already own.

She checked the calendar on the wall to see that it was Beyoncé's birthday next week and it will be the first one they will celebrate together. She thought of what to get her as a present but nothing came to mind and she started to worry. She already gives her the same things to make her happy such as food, sex and massages. She couldn't take her on islands or shopping sprees and she felt bad. She didn't know what to do.


Beyoncé walked into the kitchen and her nose was impacted with strong smells of seasonings. She loved Nicki's cooking so much that she had fired her chef, she felt like she had upgraded. She creeped up behind Nicki and wrapped her arms around her and kissed her cheek making her jump.

N: I told you to stop creeping up on me like that

B: Sowwyyyy

N: Mhm

She giggled.

B: Is it done yet?

N: Almost. How you feeling? You had your nap?

B: yeah and I feel so good because my baby takes care of me so well and I appreciate it

She said cuddling her from behind making Nicki smile.

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