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'How To Get Your Crush To Like You', that's what it said on the title of the magazine and Nicki picked it up. She felt like she was really struggling with Beyoncé, she just seemed to be too busy for her anymore and she didn't like it so she wanted to get her interested again.

She bought the magazine and got back in the car and the driver drove her to the mall. Nicki read through the magazine and went to the dedicated page she was looking for and read through it.

"1. Tell them you like them. Honesty is the best policy"

"2. Make them notice you. Change your sense of style a little to get noticed"

"3. Find time alone. The more alone time to work your magic the better!"

"4. Show interest in topics they usually talk about."

"5. Be extra AF! But in a good way. Do self-care and show them you love yourself so they want a piece of you."

Suddenly the car stopped and she was at the mall. The driver came out and opened her door for her.

N: thank you

She walked inside the mall and shopped around. She didn't really see anything that caught her eyes she was just getting essentials.

As she was going up the escalator she saw the Victoria Secret store. She saw what seemed to be a girl with her boyfriend picking out a set and her boyfriend was looking so happy and pleased. He was eyeing her ass up as she walked away to the counter making him follow. That's how Nicki wanted Beyoncé to look at her.

She went into the store and looked around to see if anything caught her eye. She had developed a plan by this point to surprise Beyoncé in a set but she didn't know which one. Suddenly she looked up at one of the mannequins to see a diamond bra and panty set.

N: perfect

She mumbled to herself before asking a store clerk to get one for her in her size. She went to the counter and the clerk scanned her set and let her pay for it.

N: thank you

?: thank you have a nice day

Nicki walked out of the store and figured to go get that perfume that Beyoncé says she likes. When she got everything she needed she went home.


Beyoncé seemed to still be in her office working which was giving Nicki some time to change.

She quickly went in their room and changed and sprayed the perfume all over. She had no idea what to do from here. She quickly tried to come up with a position but she heard footsteps coming towards the room so she just got in front of the Murrow and acted natural looking at herself in it.

The door opened and Beyoncé came through.

B: hey how was...

Suddenly she got quiet and Nicki turned around to see Beyoncé staring at her with wide eyes.

N: how was what?

B: th-the... mall

N: oh it was good. I got this you like it?

She said walking towards her. Beyoncé has never had this so she was shocked. She found her self sat on the edge of the bed and Nicki stood right in front of her.

B: I do yeah

Nicki thought to take it up a knot he and straddle her.

B: woah... what's got into you?

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