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Nicki woke up feeling dry tears on her face and it made her remember the horrible fight she had last night to go to sleep without Beyoncé. She didn't realise how hard it was to sleep without feeling her next to her or to not wake up to her kisses and cuddles. She missed her on an insane level but she felt like they couldn't be together, like this was a sign that they weren't meant for each other and it broke her heart. Waking up in her old room felt weird, as if she went back in time to where Nicki and Beyoncé didn't even know they existed and it made her feel weird.


Beyoncé laid on her back with her eyes resting low while she looked through photos of her and Nicki. She felt a lump in her throat and tears soon followed to the point where she could no longer see the photo clearly. She blinked a few times and her eyes focused back on the photo and she remembered the time they had taken that photo.


Beyoncé and Nicki were on one of their arcade dates and were in the photo-booth. Going to the arcade was a regular thing for them and they loved being competitive against each other. Talking smack to one another just made them laugh and they found themselves bonding more than ever.

Nicki sat on Beyoncé's lap and pressed the button and the countdown started.

B: How should we pose?

N: Do a silly face!

Sh said quickly as the countdown came to an end. Beyoncé crossed her eyes and pouted while Nicki pulled on her ears and stuck her tongue out. When the picure was took they both laugh as they released from their poses. The next countdown had begun and Nicki without thinking quickly raised her arms and did a big smile. Beyoncé laughed at her choice of posing and tickled her stomach making her put her arms down quickly. Nicki burst into laughter and before they knew it the third and last photo had been taken. They went out the Photo Booth and two copies of the photos slid out and they looked at them both smiling.

B: Aw that's so cute

N: We're so cute

She said all giddy looking at Beyoncé as she smiled making her nose crinkle and her eyes shut. Beyoncé giggled and kissed her lips.


Beyoncé felt as if something was heavy on her chest but it was nothing but the feel of disappointment and sadness. To think she was back to how she used to be, being alone and sad it felt 10 times worse than it did before. She knew Nicki meant something to her. She wouldn't have fallen in love with her if she wasn't the one for Beyoncé. She knew she was the one, she just wished she could get her back.

suddenly her phone rang and it was her mother which made Beyoncé immediately feel anger. She accepted the call but didnt say anything.

T:... Are you there?

B: Yes

She said coldly

T: What's wrong with you?

She asked offensively

B: Like you care. I hope you're happy. I finally found someone who liked me for me and you just went and ruined it.

T: I did you a favour-

B: How?! She said you bribed her! She didn't take the money but you affected her that much that she left me! Do you not have no sorrow for that?!

T:... Beyoncé

B: No! Listen to me!... I know what daddy did to you hurt you really badly mama... but this is my life! let me live my life! You think I want to be alone for the rest of my life? I want to be with Nicki, I want to be with her for the rest of my life and have a family with her and I don't care what you think. Nothing you do will keep me away from her. Just because you got cheated on doesn't mean my story will be the same. You should want better for me. Where's the mom I had when I was 5 and she would stay up just to lay with me and tell me stories and make me laugh. The woman that would call me BB all the time and kiss me every time she saw me so I knew she loved me? I know if that woman was still around we would've had a much better relationship and I know you know it as well... If you cant be a mother to me after all these years of just being a business partner and everything I've done for you then I am done with you.

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