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N: destiny get back here!

Nicki said as she ran after destiny in the back yard. She was babysitting but destiny was making her tired and it had only been an hour. Destiny ran inside the house and nicki sighed as she slowed down.

As destiny ran through the kitchen she went through to the front of the house to see Beyoncé opening the door. Beyoncé looked down at her and her face lit up seeing destiny.

B: hi baby!

D: BB!

She said lifting her arms up making Beyoncé pick her up.

B: where's TT?

As if on cue Nicki came through huffing and puffing making Beyoncé laugh.

N: destiny it's time for your bath I'm not telling you again

B: oh so you were running from bath time?

Beyoncé asked destiny as she raised her brow at her.

D: I don't want tooooooo

She whined making her giggle. She knew destiny never liked bath time but once she was in the bath she never wanted to get out.

B: but you have to. You don't wanna be stinky do you?

D: no!

She said widening her eyes making Beyoncé laugh.

B: well then you need to have bath time to make sure you're squeaky clean

She said as she tickled her tummy making destiny burst out laughing.

D: ok ok BB!

She laughing making Beyoncé giggle. She put her down and Nicki told her to go upstairs and wait for her which she did. When it was just nicki and Beyoncé Nicki went into her arms making her giggle.

B: tired?

N: is not even the word

Beyoncé laughed

B: awww

Nicki giggled and rested her chin in her chest as she looked up at her.

N: how was work?

B: it was ok. How was your day?

N: hectic but I'm ok

Beyoncé giggled and kissed her forehead.

B: good. Let's go upstairs so she doesn't plan on hiding anywhere

Nicki giggled and they went upstairs hand in hand.

B: you look beautiful

Beyoncé said as she admired her while brushing her hair back with her hand.

N: thank you

Nicki said blushing. She really couldn't understand why she still felt butterflies around Beyoncé after all they've been through. But she was happy she still felt that way.

They went into their bedroom to see Destiny jumping on their bed which made them laugh. Beyoncé put down her bag and took off her shoes.

N: Alright munchkin bath time

She said holding arms out making Destiny jump into them.

D: Will you get in with me TT?

N: Okay

She sighed making Beyoncé laugh. Nicki rolled her eyes and nudged her as she walked past Beyoncé. Nicki started the bath and Beyoncé started to get changed out of her work clothes.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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