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For Every Dime I Got

Beyoncé got out of the car and waited for Nicki in the lobby with chocolates and flowers as a sorry present for yesterday. Even though they squashed it Beyoncé still wanted to get her something so she could see her smile again.

Nicki came out with her Chanel bag and wearing an outfit that Beyoncé has bought her which made her smile. She had a natural smile on her face and that made Beyoncé smile. She stood up and went over to her.

N: awww why are you so sweet

She whined as she gave Beyoncé a hug. Beyoncé giggled like a little girl and gave her the chocolates and flowers

N: thank you

B: your welcome. You ready?

N: yeah

They walked out together and Beyoncé helped Nicki into the car. Once they were both in Nicki set her flowers and chocolate down and gave Beyoncé another hug. She really wasn't expecting that.

Beyoncé accepted the hug and she hugged her back.

B: you like them?

N: yeah they're beautiful. Thank you

B: you're welcome so you ready to go shopping?

N: ... we should do something else other than shopping

Beyoncé didn't know what to say. She thought spoiling her was what she wanted.

B: like what?

N: I know lemme show you

She said before she went to the driver box and spoke through to him.

N: hey you know a way to the nearest bowling alley from here?

D: yes ma'am

N: ok take us there instead

D: yes ma'am

Nicki went back down to Beyoncé and sat next to her

B: where we going?

N: you'll see


B: what is this place?

N: you've never been to bowling?

Beyoncé shrugged at her sentence as she shook her head. Nicki planned on making this evening fun for her.

N: come on we need to get a lane first.

They got a lane and their shoes and went to start the game. When Nicki set it all up the game started and Beyoncé was first.

B: what do I do?

Nicki put the bumpers up for Beyoncé to make it easier for her.

N: you swing the ball forward and try to knock down as many pins as you can

Beyoncé looked at the woman next to her do it and saw that she knocked all of them down once.

N: come on you can do this

Beyoncé picked a ball but Nicki stopped her before she threw it

N: you're holding it wrong. Here... hand here and other hand here. Now when you swing it backwards then forwards focus on your aim

Beyoncé never thought so much could go into a game. She threw the ball and knocked half the balls down.

N: yay!!! Good job go again, you have a spare

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