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It's a bad habit

Nicki just walked out of subway feeling liberated and carefree. It was the best feeling knowing you can quit and still have money.

While she was walking Beyoncé called and she immediately smiled and couldn't wait to tell her.

N: hey

B: hey you sound happy

Nicki could sense she was smiling which she thought was sweet.

N: I am. I just quit.

B: you feel good?

N: yeah. Where are you?

B: I'm waiting on you I'm around the corner.

N: okay coming.

And with that they ended the phone call. Beyoncé saw Nicki walk around the corner and she got out.

B: hey

N: hey

They hugged

B: you look beautiful

N: thank you

Beyoncé helped her in the car and got in after her and told her driver to drive them to the mall.

B: so how was class?

N: good just got a new assignment

B: oh okay. What do you need to do?

N: just some reading and research.

Beyoncé nodded and a couple minutes later they were at the mall. Beyoncé got out first and helped Nicki out and they went inside.

B: so you wanted a Chanel bag right?

N: yep

B: okay let's go to Chanel first then we'll just shop around

Nicki nodded and they went to find the Chanel store.

When they entered the store Beyoncé could see the excitement on Nicki's face and it made her happy to see her happy.

They got shown to the bags and Nicki was freaking out.

N: they're so amazing oh my god!

Beyoncé laughed

B: pick whichever one you want.

Nicki spent 10 minutes making a list of bags she liked them narrowing it down to three.

N: I can't decide between these three

B: get them all

N: really?!

B: yeah come on

Nicki smiled like a Cheshire Cat as she followed Beyoncé over to the cashier counter.

Once she paid Nicki got the bag and was feeling so happy

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