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Nicki looked out the window watching Beyoncé park her car. It was her birthday today and Nicki figured that since she had to go to work all day she could help her unwind in the best possible way.

When Beyoncé got out of her car and locked it she went up to the double doors and unlocked them. When she stepped inside she was greeted with a different scenery than what she was used to. Candles were lighting the whole house and there was a 'Happy 30th Birthday' banner hung from the balcony of the stairs. Beyoncé couldn't help but smile and giggle at the amount of effort made. She was so happy.

B: baby?!

Nicki came down the stairs in a silk, red robe that was loosely tied around her giving Beyoncé the illusion that was all she was wearing.

N: happy birthday baby

She said opening her arms wide as she went to go and hug her. Beyoncé wrapped her arms around her tightly. She didn't even get to see her this morning because she had to wake up really early and she didn't want to disturb her sleep so this was the first time today that they've seen each other.

B: thank you. I wasn't expecting all this

N: good

Beyoncé frowned a bit

B: what do you mean by that?

N: because I've prepared the whole evening for us

B: awww I love you

She said hugging her again.

N: I love you more

She said hugging her back. She pulled her face away making Beyoncé do the same and Nicki kissed her. Beyoncé kissed her back. And gave her a quick tight last hug before they both pulled away.

B: so what's first?

N: dinner

B: yes!

Nicki laughed as she took her hand and guided her out to the back yard which wasn't the usual place they'd eat dinner but when they got outside Beyoncé saw a candle lit dinner set up. Nicki sat her down and kissed her cheek from behind.

N: I'll be right back

She said before going back into the kitchen to collect the food. She came back out and placed the food with the silver toppings in front of her and Beyoncé before taking them off revealing Beyoncé's favourite dish making her gasp.

B: oh my god!

She gushed feeling so happy.

N: you said this was your favourite right?

B: yes!! Thank you baby it looks great

N: you're welcome my queen

She said before kissing her cheek and sitting down. They started to dig into dinner and have a normal conversation.


By the end of dinner Nicki took Beyoncé back inside

B: so what now?

N: now it's time for a bath

She said seductively as she grabbed her hand and led her upstairs.

Nicki took them to their bedroom where some low, 90s R&B music was already playing. Nicki had made the bedroom into a love nest with silk sheets and rose petals. Candles lit the room and Beyoncé's face turned into an instant smile as she took in the sight.

She saw the bathroom door cracked open a little and could see an overload of bubbles from the bathtub with candles lit of course. Nicki took her to the bathroom and immediately turned to Beyoncé and started undressing her.

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