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N: fuck baby!

Nicki moaned as she felt Beyoncé's middle finger pump in and out of her while her thumb rubbed her clit making her jump.

Beyoncé kissed her passionately as her pace quickened making Nicki feel a rise in her stomach.

N: I'm cumming baby!!! Oh my fuuuuuck!!!

She said as she felt her juices flow out of her. Beyoncé went down to suck them out of her which made Nicki shake and jolt from being so sensitive.

B: mmmmm you taste good

She said coming back up to look at her. Nicki breathlessly giggled before closing her eyes. Beyoncé pulled the cover over her to let her sleep and got in the other side but kept some space between her and Nicki. She had noticed by now Nicki wasn't the type to cuddle after sex, although Beyoncé would love it if they could cuddle, she didn't want to make her do anything she wasn't up for. After all they were both tired, hot and extremely sensitive around this time.

N: love you baby

Nicki said quietly as she dozed off to sleep

B: love you too

She said watching her go to sleep. Nicki turned over and went to sleep and Beyoncé went to sleep a couple minutes after wards.


Beyoncé woke up to feeling Nicki in her arms. She was snuggling her face into Beyoncé's breasts as she tightly wrapped her arms around her back.

She looked down at Nicki as she slowly woke up and just caressed her face.

N: mmm baby?

B: mhm

She said before kissing her forehead

N: I'm hungry

B: What do you want to have?

N: Mmmmm.... pizza

She mumbled making Beyoncé giggle

B: Okay I'll order you some pizza

Nicki nodded in her chest while Beyoncé got her phone and called their favourite pizza place for a delivery. 

B: ... Hi I'm calling for delivery to 45 Crescent Estate.... Yes it's me again

She giggled making Nicki laugh as well

B: Can I get a extra large pepperoni pizza with jalapeños 

N: Nooooo don't get the jalapeños 

Nicki whined making Beyoncé roll her eyes

B: I like them

N: Fine get it on one half

B: Can I have the jalapeños on one half of the pizza but the pepperoni all over still... and uh- you want anything else baby?

She said quietly to Nicki. 

N: Get a side of fries and 2 garlic and BBQ dips please

B: And can I have a large side of fries with 2 BBQ and Garlic dips please?... Thank you... Okay bye

She put down the phone and cuddled Nicki tightly. 

B: Baby

N: Mhm

Nicki mumbled

B: When do you finish school?

N: Mmmmm... Next month

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