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Beyoncé hasn't heard from Nicki, normally she would at least text her so she called her. After a long time waiting she finally picked up.

N: hello?

She said in a croaky voice.

B: hey, what's wrong you don't sound good.

N: I got a cold. And my test is tomorrow

She whined.

B: aww I'm sorry you feel bad. You want me to get you anything?

N: could you get me soup please?

B: of course. Anything in particular?

N: Either tomato or chicken soup please

B: Okay I'm leaving now I'll be there as quick as I can

N: Thank you BB

Beyoncé smiled at her nickname, it sounded so cute coming from Nicki.

B: You're welcome, bye

N: Bye

They ended the call and Beyoncé immediately got ready and left her house. She went to the best place she knew and got Nicki some chicken soup and some extra things to make her more comfortable.

When she got to Nicki's apartment Nicki texted her floor and door number and Beyoncé went to go see her. Nicki opened the door in an oversized dress and she looked like she hadn't slept in days.

B: Hey

N: Hey come in

B: Thanks, how you feeling?

N: Dizzy and sick I wanna go back to bed

Beyoncé followed her to her room and gave her the soup, Nicki opened the bag and the smell captivated her nose and she moaned smelling how good it was.

N: This smells so great. thank you

B: You're welcome and I got you some things just in case to make you comfortable

N: Thank you I appreciate it

She said getting in the far side of her bed, she looked at Beyoncé as she just stood there and patted on the extra space on the bed.

N: Sit down

Beyoncé got in next to her and Nicki started to eat her soup.

B: You feeling any better

N: Kind of

She said as she leaned her shoulder while she continued to watch TV.

B: what can I do to make you feel better?

Nicki smiled laid her head on her chest making Beyoncé put her arm around her back.

N: you already did a lot. But you can stay here that would make me feel better.

Beyoncé was feeling so happy hearing that from Nicki. She rubbed her back and rested her head on Nicki's.

B: of course

N: thank you

Over time they both found themselves asleep. Nicki had her arms fully around Beyoncé with her head on her chest and Beyoncé had her arms around nicki with her head still resting on hers.


Beyoncé was waking up and felt a weight on her chest which made her open her eyes. She saw Nicki sleeping and she couldn't help but smile. She doesn't know what it is about Nicki but she just loved to be around her.

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