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Nicki laid in her girlfriends arms as Beyoncé showered her in kisses while she did her work. They were laid on the couch and Beyoncé was working when Nicki came and wrapped her arms around her making Beyoncé hug her back and they were now just cuddling while Nicki watched her work.

While Beyoncé was working, an email notification popped up and it was from her mom, Tina. She never understood why everything was always business with her mom. She wasn't always like this but since her parents divorced their mother daughter relationship became more like a business partnership.

She clicked on it to see the she arranged a business meeting for them out of state.

N: you have to leave?

She asked sadly

B: just for the week

Nicki whined as she laid her head on her chest. She didn't want Beyoncé to leave.

N: I don't want you to go

She whined making Beyoncé smile a little knowing that she would be missed. She's never felt like she was missed before not even by her own parents.

B: I don't want to leave either but it's business baby. You can stay here by yourself can't you?

N: I can but it won't be the same without you.

Beyoncé ran her fingers through Nicki's hair and then rubbed her back comforting her.

B: I'll only be gone for a week. It'll be over before you know it babe

Nicki didn't say anything and just kept the pout on her face.

N: who is she?

B: my mom

Nicki was shocked

N: oh. Is this company email?

B: nope personal

N: oh. How come she's so formal then?

B: she's always been that way since her and my dad divorced 

N: oh

She said sadly knowing that must've had a negative affect on Beyoncé.

B: yeah but um it's fine I'm used to it. I gotta tell my assistant to book me a flight for next week so I don't forget.

Nicki looked at Beyoncé and knew she was upset about her and her mom's relationship but didn't want to keep going on about it, she wanted to see her happy. 

Nicki lifted up and laid on her so they were chest to chest taking Beyoncé by surprise. 

N: I wanna go with you

She whined with a pout making Beyoncé smile. She wrapped her arms around her and kissed her forehead. 

B: I know but I don't want it to disrupt your education. Your school should come first I don't wanna be a distraction

N: You're not a distraction, you're a priority

Beyoncé couldn't help but smile. 

B: You cute

Nicki giggled and they both kissed. 


B: Nick I'm going!

Beyoncé shouted from the front door as she waited for Nicki to come and say goodbye to her. Suddenly Nicki came down the stairs with a suitcase and ran past her and into the car. Beyoncé was surprised but it made her laugh shaking her head at how crazy she was. She closed the door and locked it then went in the car to see Nicki sat there with a innocent smile on her face. 

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