Seeing Her Again

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For those of u who were confused in the last chapter Shai and Theo did have sex I just didn't feel comfortable writting it. I tried to but I gave up. This chap will mostly be in Theos pov. This is the 10th chapter so yay.


The plane just landed in California. I'm going to book the second flight to London then I'm calling Shai to tell her.

She deserves to know that I'm not comming and why.


I have booked my flight and am calling Shai now.

"Hey! Aren't you coming over?" Shai asked when I called her.

"I'm going to London, " I told her.


"To see Jordan and to explain everything to her."

"I understand."

"You aren't mad at me for not coming to see you and the babie?"

"No, I mean this is all kinda mt fault."

"No it's not mate."

"Yes it is, if I wouldn't have come to vist you in London I wouldn't have gotten drunk. If I wouldn't have gotten drunk I wouldn't have made you have sec with me. So yah it is all kinda my fault."

"Don't put yourself down Shai I still love you as a friend."

"You should get going, you have a flight to catch."

"Ok, bye and also thanks for understanding."

"No problem Theo anything for you!"


I was a littel upset that Theo wasn't coming to vist me but I understand. I was the one Theo cheated on Jordan with.

I will never admit to anyone ever that I'm in love with Theo. He is just so fucking perfect.


Thr plane has just landed in London. I'm going to go and grt a cab to go to Jordan's house.

I still need to think of a plan for when I get to her house.

As of know I think I'm just going to nock on the door. If she lets me in I'll explain everything. If not I'll think of a new plan.


I'm standing in front of her door about to nock. Here goes nothing I'm about to do it. *nocks on door*

"He..." Jordan started to say and then she saw it was me.

"Oh, it's you. What do you want?" she asked me.

"I'm here to explain everything to you."

"Well oh well I don't want to here it. Well at least not from you." The way she keept saying you hurt alot it was like I didn't have a name anymore.

"Please just give me a chance, " I beged her.

"Fine you have a half hour," she said finally givving into me.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

"You sound like a littel girl," she said gigling. Well at least she's talking to me I thought.

I can't believe I almost have 200 views thank you guys so much. So I have decided I will upload every other day and if I cant that day I will the next day. If I feel like it I will update early but if not you will have to wait an extra day. Next chapter I might set an early update goal if u guys want.

I went into the city today and my mom pointed out that the one statue looks like the guys dick is sticking out. I know I have a very odd family so donw make fun of it. Ok im done rambling so good bye for now.

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