What Gender?

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Dedicated to @cettacheese for telling me what gender the babues should be. Shai and josh are back in California btw

Shai (about 2 weeks after easter)

I'm going to the doctor again today. At the doctor I'm going to be finding out the gender of the babies. I know they will be the same genders since the one egg split.

I have been pregnant for two moths now. If you look close enough you can see the bump on my stomach.

I don't care what gender they are since I will love them no matter what. Josh told me he wants a babie of each gender but we both know that's not possible.

I know if I have boys it'll be harder for me but I have Josh to help me with that. It would be easier to have girls but like I said I don't realy care what gender they are.


It's 1:30 now and the apotmint is at 2:10 so we are leaving now. There's a lot of trafic so we don't get there untill 2:07.

I'm getting nervous so Josh just squeezed my hand. This makes me feel better.

"It'll be okay," he wispers in my ear. I just nood in response.


The doctor told me that the babies are perfectly healthy and says I can go in a few minutes.

"Before we go can you tell us the gender?" I asked Dr.Philip.

"If course Ms.Woodly," he answered. Josh walked over to me so he can squeeze my hand.

"They are both male," the doctor tells us. We both start to smile widely. I think Josh will be a great father evn if he isn't the real one.


When we got home I thought I should call Theo and Jordan to tell them the gender of the babies.

"Hello?" Jordan said into the pohne when she answered it.

"Hi Jordan, it's Shai," I answered.

"Oh, hi Shai," she said. I know she's still mad at me about the whole cheating thing.

"I just went to the doctor and found out the gender of the babies," I told her.

"That's great," she responded.

"Do you want to know what it is," I asked beacuse I wasn't shure if they would want to know.

"One second," she responded. I could here her talking to someone, Theo I'm guessing, but I don't know what she said.

"Yup, you're on speeker and Theos here," she told me.

"Ok, well they are both boys," I told them.

"That's wonderful, " Jordan answered. I could tell by the ton in her voice she was hoping for girls.

"Yah thats great, but we got to go," Theo said.

"Ok bye," I told them right before they hung up.


I was kinda hoping we would have girls but boys are okay too. I mean they aren't realy going to be my kids. Besides if Theo and I break up, witch I hope doesn't happen then I'll never see them.


I was glad I would be having boys. It would just be easier for me that way. I just hope Jordan will be a good mother to them.


Sorry I haven't updated. My mom made me clean a lot yesterday. Next chapter will be the laat one I think. There will be a epilog and a sequil. I already kbow whats going to happen so yah. I have to come up with a tittel but there will be one. Anyways please vote, comment, and follow. Thanks!!!

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