Back in NYC

568 11 22

January 14th, 2015


Today Theo and I are traveling back to NYC. Both the babies are staying with Shailene for know.

We all agreed that Theo and I should wait until our babie girl has been born then they will figure out how Petter and Alex will travel.

Anna is coming with us to NYC. We offered to by her plane ticket for her and she agreed. Anna is realy haply that Theo agreed to be in her student film, so am I.

I can't wait to see it be filmed and see how it turns out. It will be awsome I know it.

I think Anna is planing on useing her sister as the girl in her movie. Her sister is in the Broadway production Wicked. She plays one of the other students I belive.

In New York I'm hoping to be abel to spend more time with Theo sunce he haa been with the babies for the past week and a half.

I'm planing on tacking him to some brodway show. I'm not shure witch one yet.

I also want to find more friends. I kmow I have Anna know but she's my only friend in the USA. I need more.

I think it would be good to have a group of friemds that I can trust. Like Anna but more then one friend.

I'm planing on sleeping on the plane. I'm tierd from waiting for Theo to get home late. I also am six and a half months pregnet.


We just landed at JFK Airport in NYC. A lot of people came up to Theo douring the plane ride to ask for his autograph so he's a bit grouchy. At least I have Anna to help me in the airport.

"Come on," Theo tells me as I'm getting off the plane, grabbing my wrist.

"Ok Mr.Grinch," callinf him that since he's realy grouchy all of a sudden.

"Don't call me that," He says.

"Ok," I told him, giving him a kiss on the check.

"Why are there so many people?" Anna asked me.

"One we are in New York City, Two Theo is a world wide famous actor, amd Three don't you live here? " I asked and told her.

"Yeah, I guess I'm still not used to it all."

"Thats fine I guess," I respond.

"Stop talking so we cam get to the car faster," Theo told us in a grouchy and tier voice.

Anna loked affended at this so I told her that he is just tierd.


When we got to our flat I relized Anna was still with us.

"Shit I forgot to tell the driver to take you home," I apologized.

"It's okay, I'll just slepp on the couch," Anna told me.

"No you can stay in the guest room," I told her.

"Okay, thanks, " she told me.

"No problem, " I said.

Anna's POV

Jordan was too kind to me. And that's good, it helps with my plan.

Well it's not my plan I'm being paid to do it by Teen Life Magazine.


I have three things I need to tell you.

1. Sory it took so long to update. I have had to babysit all week. I was gonna update on tuesday but my dad took my pohne and yesterday I didn't get homw to 11:30 and I was realy tierd.

2 . Sory for the short update but I wanted toleav u in suspense about Anna. I will update tommrow though.

3. Thanks for 3k views and 100 votes it means a lot to me. IDK how many comments but thanks for however many that is too.

4. I lied I realy have four things (Tobias!!!!) What do you think is up with Anna? leav in comments.

Now on to the question of the day --->

What state or country do you live in? I live in Pennsylvania woop woop!

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