New Friends

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Theo and I are still in California after Shai had rhe babie so Theo can spend time with Petter and Alex. We are staying in a nearby hottel.

Today I have to go buy some food since I'm tierd of eating out every day. People always reconise me when I go out so I'm putting on sunglasses and a hat to keep my identity hidden.


I went to the neraset store witch was a Target. I got chicken, rice, and some veggies for dinner. I decided to go look at the maternity clothes to see if there is anything cute.

The only thing I would wear in the maternity section is a pair on leggings and an oversized sweeater. I went to the dressing room to see if it would fit over my babie bump. It dose.

"That sweater is really cute," a girl told me.

"Thanks, I like you're jacket," I told her.

"Hey I recognize you from somewhere," the girl said.

"You do?" I'm supriesed someone would recognize me since I'm not famous plus I'm wearing glasses and a hat.

"Yah, aren't you Jordan Stayne, Theo James' fiance?" she questioned. Dang she did know who I was.

"Yup," I responed beacuse it was no use lying to her.

"That's so cool. Anyways my name is De-Anna Blake, " she told me.

"That's a pretty name. How old are you?" She looked around 19.

"I'm 20," she responded. I was close.

"Cool I'm 23," I told her.

"I know, " she said.

"Do you want to go out for lunch with me," I asked her since I'm extremely board. I couldn't do anything with Theo since he's with Shai, Josh, Alex, and Petter.

"I would love to," she told me.

"Cool I just have to check out," I told De-Anna.


After I checked out we headed to a café that was near the Target we were at in California. We ordered some food then sat down.

"So are you in school?" I asked.

"Yah, I go to New York Film School."

"Realy? Why are you back in California then?"

"Well I came to vist my family and I need to start working on my student film. I was hoping to run into someone famous for my film," she told me.

"Thats realy cool! What's your film about? I bet I could get Theo to be in it, " I told De-Anna excitedly.

"Well it's about a girl and boy that travel in time and find out there futer. And that would be awsome if he could be in it!"

"Yah heres my number if you want to text me more details about it," I told her writing my number on a napkin.

"Thanks so much and you can call me Anna if you want it's a lot shorter," Anna told me.

"Ok," I responed.

"Good luck with you're babies," Anna told me.

"Thanks, Do you wanna go see a movie or something together?" I asked hopefully since I had nothing to do for the rest of the afternoon.

"Shure," with that we cleaned up our food and got back in my car.


We saw a remake of the movie Annie. It was pretty good. It is diffrent the the real Annie but also similar at the same time.

I had to say bye to Anna after beacuse it was getting late and I had to head back to the hottel to make dinner.

"It eas nice hanging out with you. We should do it again tommrow," I said to Anna.

"You too and I agree," she said back. We hugged eachothee and said goodbye.

Today was a nice day. I made a new feiend and had fun not worrying about my soon to be born babbie or my fiancé.


Sorry it took so long to put this up. I have been busy. On Saturday I went to the hospital to vist my grandmother who just had surgery and yesterday me and my dad put a new bookshelf in my room. It tool a while cause there were a lot of pieces. Then I put books on it so it tool even longer. Ok I have a question --->

How old are you guys?

My answer ---> I turn 13 in 18 days so right now I'm 12...

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