Chapter 2

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Wyatt close his laptop and stood up to end the day when his phone rings.

"Yo..Wyatt where have you been?Been looking for you?" said Jeff Wyatt best friend since college. His family is one of the billionaire and his job after college was having fun while he own a billion dollar company while having fun.

"I have been everywhere! What up?" asked Wyatt as he walk into the lift and press the B1 where his car was being parked.

"Tonight there is an exclusive party I was invited too and you are coming with me!" explain Jeff excitedly.

"Where is it?"

"Mayor Mansion!! You have to come all the rich and famous plus beautiful girl is coming to the party!"

"Oh...I'm jetlag!!!"

"Oh come on! Please you have to go with me!!!"

"I don't know!!!I have been having too much fun when I was in London!" said Wyatt while he exit the lift, unlock his Black BMW and went in.

"Please...we have not meet for so long and I need my wing man! I have not know banging ever since you left."

"Ok...what time?"

"Party start at 7pm..I will be arriving to the Mansion at around 8pm see you then!"

"Sure..see you!!"

"Oh.. yes 1 more thing. Bring a mask along!"

"What why?"

"It a masquerade party. See you!" replied Jeff before he hang up his called.

"Masquerade party!!! Why not!!" said Wyatt as he start the car and start to drive off to his apartment to get ready for the Masquerade party.

The Mayor Mansion party was going on hard, every rich and famous plus some exclusive invite came to the mansion for the party. The owner of the Mansion would always have party but only exclusive invites. It was not Wyatt first time actually he was invited a couple of time but never wanted to go as he always felt that he would enjoy his time when he went to those regular club where he could meet a lot of girls not only rich and famous.

Wyatt stop his car at the driveway, and give his car keys to the valet who was there parking cars. He walk up the stair of the Mayor Mansion and saw quite a number of people he knew. When he reach the entrance of the Mansion, he took out his black mask which only cover his eyes and start to mingle around with the beautiful ladies there when he saw Jeff was at the bar picking a lady who was not interested with him.

It was a lively party but Wyatt was too tired to even continue with the party which he never want leave the party so early but his body was begging to go home when his eyes spotted a lady wearing a black dress hugging her figure nicely, making him wanting to have her the whole night. He excuse himself from the ladies he was talking to and make his way to the lady who just enter.

Gabby open her apartment door, took out her flats and walk in. It was a tiring day for her as she as too many task was assigned to her by Michael. The moment she saw the sofa, she clash her body to the sofa and lay down.

"Ah... This is nice. I wish everyday could be like this! " said Gabby as she stretch herself. Her mum called her the moment she left from work. Her mum had to do overtime and would not be back till the next day and she had to prepare dinner herself. It has been very long ever since she had dinner with her mum and Donna her baby sister who is in the hospital her mum work. Ever since the accident, Donna had been in and out of the hospital. Their father and Donna was on the way home when a drum driver bang into their car, their father passed away at the location while Donna was bought in, they manage to safe her but only for her to go into coma. It take a year for her to wake up only to find out that she has a weak heart. The operation cost a lot, that why Gabby stop college so that she could help her mother. Her name has been on the list for so long that they have been praying everyday.

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