Chapter 8

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Cindy looked at her watch and saw that it was already nearly 7.30pm and she is already late, Anastasia had made an dinner appointment with her. Cindy start to pick her things and quickly rush out from her office to meet Anastasia at the new restaurant that she wanted to introduce Cindy too.

After about 10 minutes, she reach to the address that Anastasia had send her that morning. She paid the driver and run into the restaurant.

"Welcome to the Marie's restaurant did you make a reservation ma'am?" said the hostess.

"I think is under...." before Cindy could continue she could hear her name being called from the dining area. They look at the direction of her name being called and saw a lady was waving her hand towards Cindy. Cindy looked at the hostess and says,

"Will she here." Cindy walked in towards Anastasia.

"Where have you been? I have been waiting for hours?" complained Anastasia.

"I'm sorry I have to finish my report and I got lost with the time." apologizes Cindy as she took out her coat and hand it on the chair.

"So what do you think of this place?" question Anastasia.

"It's looks nice very high class." answered Cindy.

"I have already order for you." said Anastasia.

"Thank you how school?"

"It's alright...I thought I would not made it but I glad I took your advice to continue." replied Anastasia while she drink her red wine.

"What are you thinking of doing after college?"

"Mum told me to start working she wanted me to work with the law firm but I don't wanted too."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I want to travel the world before I plan work my ass off in the company."

"Did you tell her about it?"

"Of course you want me to be chase out from the house! Drizella has already made all the career plan typical Drizella!" scoffed Anastasia. The waited finally arrived with the first dish and place it on the table.

"Mmmmm this look nice!" compliment Cindy while both of them start to dig in. right after the appetizer, they brought the main course and after that the dessert. Both Cindy and Anastasia was very impressed of how delicious the food was. Right after dessert, Anastasia ordered a bottle of champagne.

"So have your prince charming manage to track you down?" joked Anastasia. Cindy sigh and shake her head. She was disappointed to even think about it. She could not blame him as it was her fault that they did not exchange numbers or names.

"I was expecting he would be searching high and low for you!!" said Anastasia when suddenly her eyes meet a gentleman walking into the restaurant.

"Oh my god oh my god!!!" said Anastasia excitely.


"That guy the one that just walk in!!!" said Anastasia while pointing to the gentleman who was walking to his table.

"Yes so??"

"Do you know who he is?"

" who?"

"Wyatt Groves the owner of the tech empire."

"Oh..I think I read about him somewhere!" said Cindy as she was not so interest of the man Anastasia was excited about.

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