Chapter 7

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Gabby was waiting in the car for Wyatt as he approach Daisy the 3rd candidate. He walked up to her within a few second he turn back and walk back to the car.

"What happen?" said Gabby as he went into the car.

"Gold Digger!!" claimed Wyatt as he start his car.

"How do you know?"

"I have slept with a lot of women and most of them are gold digger. I can sense them a mile away."

"If you say so!" said Gabby as she did not want to fight with him when he was that confident about it.

"Are you going anywhere after this?"

"Nope..I was planning to go home." replied Gabby.

"Can you go somewhere with me?" asked Wyatt seriously, which Gabby have not seen that side of him yet. The whole day he has been acting different, serious she wanted to ask him but she felt that it might be personal.

"Yes sure." replied Gabby. Wyatt right away start to drive.

After about nearly an 1 hour, they were out of the city center and was at the surban side of Manhattan. Gabby look around the area and was impressed of the location of the place. The place where people built families. After a few turns, Wyatt stop in front of a big blue color house where there were swing and chair at the pouch. Wyatt stop and car and look at the house for the longest time. After 10 minutes. Gabby look at Wyatt and finally asked him.

"Wyatt where are we and why are we here?"

"This is my father house!"

"Your father?"

"Yeah...when I was 2, my dad left us leaving my mother with me. He does know that she passed away while leaving me as an orphan. I hated him for leaving us especially my mum."

"How did you know he stay here?"

"Her daughter is my facebook friend. I did not know it's her daughter when this morning she post a picture of them together. How can they be happy when I was suffering, when I was hoping he would find me and take me back but no left just leave be." said Wyatt angrily tears start to flow out from his eyes. All those years he had wished he died, he wish that bad things happen to him and he die. But now he saw how happy his father is making him hated him more. After all that he gone through, his father should feel what he felt.

"What do you want to do?" said Gabby.

"I want to kill him!!Kill him with my bare hands!!!" said Wyatt angrily while he was clenching his fist. Gabby then took both of his hand and hold them tight.

"With this hand you have worked hard more than anyone in your aged did. You send yourselves to school, study hard, sacrifice more than anyone would, sell you own idea to company begging them to trust you with your idea, then you have your own start up which there was no investor who want to invest in you company because you are still young but you did it and in the end with his hand you build an empire. You are the youngest founder of an empire and I know from the very deep in my heart if your mother were to be here right now she would be very proud of you. So why do you want to dirty your clean and purest hand with people who don't appreciate or love you?" said Gabby with so much love and care. Wyatt broke down. He did not realize that he is that pure and clean when all this while he thought he was dirty to have think bad things. Gabby pull him into a hug and slowly comfort him.

"'s okay!!!" said Gabby allowing him to let out everything in his heart.

After about 10 minutes, when he calm down. Wyatt looked at Gabby and says,

"Thank you....if you would not be here I would have already kill him!!" thanks Wyatt.

"We friends remember." said Gabby. Wyatt look at the house again when suddenly he open the car door and march up to the house. Gabby quickly followed him and says,

"What are doing?"

"I'm going to kill him!!"

"I thought you said you don't want to." worried Gabby. Wyatt reach the front door and look back at Gabby who was pulling him, Wyatt smile and says,

"I'll kill him with my words." Wyatt start to bang on the door so that his father could open the door faster. After a few minutes, they could hear a man voice was coming down the stair angrily at them who was banging the door so loudly.

"ALRIGHT...ALRIGHT I'M COMING YOU RASCAL!!!" shouted Peter Wyatt father. Peter open the door and saw someone he know but never did he acknowledge his existence.

"Wyatt what are you doing here?" he shocked to see his son in front of the door suddenly.

"I want to ask you a question?"

"What is it?"

"Did you know mum died when I was 7?" question Wyatt.

"I did know that she passed away!" replied Peter with a guilty tone.

" But you still left me alone? "

"You turn out fine! "

"True, I turn up to be the owner of a tech empire, the youngest to achieve something that big. Growing up with no one, I turn myself from an orphan who no one one's to a billionaire who now everyone want to be with. No thank to a person who suppose to be with me, guide me, teach me a person like you who is a my father. I am here to tell you I live and I achieved everything on my own and you should know that, you should know that you should be my father and you could have the advantage of a billion dollar son. But now you are just no one rich son! "said Wyatt harshly as he turn around and walk away. Gabby look at the father and son speechless.

"I should have come to you not because you will be a rich person one day but because you are my son. Everyday I regret leaving your mum and you. I try to look for you and Susan but it was too late she passed. I started to looked for you for a very long time but I could not find you anywhere. When I did found you, you were already the youngest millionaire and I did not want to come back to when you are rich it make me look like I am living off you. I could only pray you well and happiness from afar. I am sorry that I left you I will not ask for forgiveness but I really hope that you will find your own happiness and will not do the same mistake that I did. " said Peter as his face were full with tears. He did not want to face his son anymore, he turn around and wand to go in when he suddenly he someone pull his hand from behind. He turn around and saw Wyatt was holding his arm while looking down.

"Stop looking for me from afar, take me back as your son! "wept Wyatt. Peter was shock to heard that his son wanted him back in his life. He has never expect anything from Wyatt.

"Welcome home son!! " said Peter while he pull Wyatt into a hug. Both start to cry their eyes out. Gabby was standing not far from them were wiping her tears, finally Wyatt family has been rejoiced, Gabby could not be more happier even when they are supposed to find his Cinderella. She could only thanks the Lord that she could be there to see it, she glad that she was there at the staircase with the heel and being able to help Wyatt if she was not there she would not have seen such a wonderful event happen right in front of her eyes. 

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