Chapter 9

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Wyatt and Gabby walk into the private room of the well known restaurant in Manhattan. The waitress set the menu onto the table and start to recite the special menu of the day. Gabby look at the menu did not know what she wants to order even when the waitress telling them the special she did not know if she would order that or order something cheap. Wyatt looked at Gabby concerned face and laugh to himself.

"Just get us 2 special and bring in the house red wine thank you." giggled Wyatt. Gabby looked ta wyatt who was laughing at her.

"What so funny?"

"You!! You looked funny!!"

"Thank you for laughing at me!!" grumbled Gabby. Wyatt spot laughing as he did not want to hurt her feeling. As he stop laughing he give out a big sigh. He wonder if he wonder if her ever going to meet her. He start to grow tired of looking for her.

"Are you alright?" concerned Gabby.

"Will I ever meet her?" asked Wyatt while he looking at her with his sad face making Gabby felt bad and sad at the same time.

"I know you going to find her, we just need more time."

"What if the 5th girl is not her then what?"

"Then we start again, and again and again and again until we find her."

"You will do that for me?"

"I will do anything for you my friend."

"And what if I was too late, he she has already have someone in her life?" concerned Wyatt as he did not wish to take someone else woman even if it was her.

"Then I will start planning a murder. I will ensure you that he will not be in her life. And if he's marry then no problem consider the problem settle!" said Gabby confidedly.

"You would kill him for me?" question Wyatt.

"Of course I would. Anyway you're a billionaire I know that you can pull some string for me. I scratch your back you scratch mine. And if that fail just blame it on your other best friend Jeff settle." joked Gabby, Wyatt who was feeling down felt confident that he will met her thank to Gabby.

Gabby open the door and saw her mother was laying on the sofa while watching TV. She walk in and sat on the floor near to her mother.

"How's your day?" said Jenny.

"Fine!! How's your? Is Donna ok?"

"She's fine, i was not feeling to well so went back early."

"Have you taken any medication?" worried Gabby.

"I did don't worry alright." said Jenny, Gabby could only nod her head. Other then Donna, Jenny is the only one she had. After dad passed away, Jenny try her best to provide for them, Gabby know that her mother is suffering but she would not show it to her that is how strong she is but sometime she just wish that jenny would talk to her or someone who she could reply on.

"How's Wyatt? Did he find his Cinderella yet?" asked Jenny. When Gabby told her that she was helping Wyatt to find the love of his live Jenny was shock.

"Still finding her but I have the feeling the search will end soon."

"How so?"

"I don't know i just have a gut feeling." replied Gabby as she remember the lady from the restaurant.

"It good that the search is going to end, I'm scare of you." worried Jenny.

"Me? Why?"

"You have been too close with Wyatt. Don't you feel anything when you see or stand next to him?"

"No..he's my boss and up till recently we became friends. Why would I feel anything?" question Gabby, she know where her mother going with this but she know better that the feeling that her mother is saying will not be true because Gabby know that there no way in hell that Wyatt would ever fall for her because he has found his CInderella the love of his life and it's not her.

"Are you really a human honey?"


"I mean I know that you have been working so hard, but I never once see you with a guy except for Alex which he's gay."

"Mum you know I been working so that I could help you out with the operation money, furthermore I have no time to think about guys. Even if I do am interested, would a guy look at me? No guys would want to date a plus size guys who is not even fashionable." said Gabby as she know how she look like and guys would not look at her as a girlfriend material.

"Oh..honey that not true I hope that someone would see you as you are because I know that you are more that what you wear." said Jenny as she try to comfort her daughter. Gabby just gave her a half smile and hug her mother.

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