Chapter 15

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Cindy walk into her room, finally she could have some rest after a long crazy day at the courtroom. Cindy lay down at her bed for a while before deciding to change into her night PJs. As she was about to take a few minutes of rest someone knock on her door.

"Cindy..can I come in?" said Tracy.

"Yes please!" said CIndy as she sat up from her bed.

"Was I disturbing?"

"No. Is there anything you need Tracy?"

"Um I wanted to talk to you about something?" said Tracy. Cindy look at Tracy who looks very worry and uneasy.

"What's going on? Did something happen?"

"It's about Wyatt!" said Tracy as she sat down beside Tracy.

"What about him?"

"Are you happy with him?"

"Of course I am. I have always wants to be with my prince charming and he came looking for me. How can I not love him?" said Cindy worried about what Tracy wanted to talk to her about.

"I'm happy that you love him but.." said Tracy hesitate to continue.

"What..please tell me what is going on?"

"It just that girl that Wyatt is very close to what's her name..."


"Yes her...I thought that he Wyatt and her are a bit too close to be friend."

"Oh...I thought something's wrong." relieve Cindy.

"Don't you feel insure having her always around Wyatt?"

"No why would I?"

"While she's always around him and both of them seem to be more close that you and him."

"Tracy..I know Gabby she would never do that to me after all the hard work she did helping him finding me."

"Alright..but what about him. To me he seem to be more comfortable and always looking out for her more that you?"

"That not true!!" Cindy aggressively disagree with Tracy but she felt insure in her heart suddenly.

"Alright then explain to me last sunday at the stable, when you and Gabby was almost hit by a car, he did not shouted your name first instead he shouted hers then he insist on sending her back even with the other guy told him he would. " explained Tracy trying to make Cindy see that Wyatt and Gabby might be doing something behind her back. She looked down confuse, she did saw it a few time but she just pushing it away as Gabby had help her found him.

"I know it hard but the more you allow him to be closer to her I'm afraid for you my dear. You have to do something before it's too late." said Tracy as her walk out of the room allowing Cindy in confusion and started to feel insecure about Wyatt and Gabby being to close.

Tracy peek through the door and saw how Cindy had became insure after what she had said. Good her plan work, she wants to make sure that Cindy and Wyatt be a couple, she hope that Wyatt would asked Cindy hand soon. If they get marry it's her chance to make her law firm bigger and better with Wyatt by their side. To achieve that she has to make sure no other woman should be by Wyatt side.

Gabby was clearing the last meeting room for the day. It was a very busy day for her and the team. Mail keep coming in, meeting room keep using by the staff, the team and her had to skip lunch because they have to set up the main function room as there was a event at the very last minutes. Just as she was about to close the meeting room door, she heard her name being called.

"Gabs!!!" shouted Wyatt as he run towards her.

"Wyatt what are you still doing here?"

"I have just finish a conference I thought of going out with Cindy but she wanted to rest. Then I saw you... I thought of having dinner together with my dad it is alright."

"Alright. Let me just put this back at the mailroom." said Gabby has she push her trolley.

"I'll follow you." replied Wyatt as they went down to the mailroom where Gabby clean the place up before going out with Wyatt.

When Wyatt and Gabby arrive at Mr Groves house, the house was already full with friends and family that Mr Groves had invited. He wanted them to know Wyatt and be part of their family. The gathering was loud and full of laughter. Gabby could see that Wyatt was at his top best and making everyone he met laugh. Gabby was helping Mrs Groves at the kitchen and talking to Wyatt family. They were nice people, it was sad that they have not meet Wyatt earlier.

Gabby look at her watch and saw that it was already past 11pm, she had to get back home as she need to be back at work early. She looked around for Wyatt but she could not find him everywhere inside the house. She walk out ot the back of the house and saw Wyatt was sitting at the bench area.

"There you are...I have been looking everywhere for you." said Gabby as she sat opposite Wyatt.

"What are you doing here all alone?"

"Nothing I felt very tired. Anyway thank you for coming with me."

"No problem...your family looks very nice."

"Yea...they are." replied Wyatt sadly.

"Wyatt...what wrong you can tell me you know that?"

"I know...if he would have found earlier..."

"You would have felt all this earlier."

"Correct...I would have felt what it feel to have a family."

" can still feel it. You have it all now..with you finding your dad and Cindy. Your life is complete."

"Not complete yet." said Wyatt as he give out a sad sigh. Wyatt miss his mother, what would she do if she would find out that he met with his father?

"I feel that my mother is missing out, she should be here right now with us."

"Well she is!!" said Gabby as she took his hand and place it at his heart.

"She's always here...every step she's always looking over you. I'll bet you that she'll smiling right now as she know that you are happy."

"You right.. Thank you...what would I do without you?"

"While you will not be able to find Cindy, you would be crying and rolling on the ground. Poor baby!" joked Gabby.

"You mean like this?" said Wyatt as he went down on the ground rolling back and forth crying like a baby making Gabby laugh so hard. 

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