Chapter 5

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Wyatt walk over to the table where Gabby was which was near to the window looking out to the busy evening street where everyone had just came out from work and was going to wherever place that they would like to be that night. But that night he is in a cafe with his office girl to search for his Cinderella the love of his life. He wish that he would not have been so stupid that night and introduce himself to her first before talking to her about other stuff and stare at her all night long.

He place the caramel frappe and a cappuccino down on the table and sat opposite Gabby the office girl. Gabby took her caramel frappe and started drinking. Wyatt looked at his watch and saw that they are an hour early. He wanted to go over the plan he had in his crazy brain of his.

"Mr Groves!!!" said Gabby again she had forgotten to called him his first name.

"Wyatt!!!Gabby!!! Please be comfortable calling me by my first name." he said again.

"Um...first of all sir I am not comfortable calling you by your first name cause you are by boss. Secondly don't you have any friends who could help you with this? I am just an office girl!" explained Gabby as she is very uncomfortable of the situation she is in even when she agree to do it for the money.

"Oh...OK chill. Fine called by anything that you are comfortable with. Huh.. I only have 1 best friend who is unreliable with this kind of things. That why I have no choice but to asked you for help anyway I am paying you extra."

"Thank you for paying me extra. Anyway why am I here again?"

"The plan was you sit a few table away from us, once she comes we talk and all if I think she is not the one. You call me and I lie to her that I have something urgent to attend." instructed Wyatt.

"Oh..ok how would I know that she not the one, is there any signal or sign that I should know about?" question Gabby as she trying to remember tha plan.

"Um if I drop a tissue and pick it up that when you called me ok?"

"I understand." answered Gabby with confident.

Wyatt looked at his watch and saw that they have another 45 minutes before Denise were to arrived. He looked at Gabby who was looking out of the window and say,

"So....why are you working part time jobs?" Gabby looked back at Wyatt and looked at her caramel frappe while circling her straw.

"Right after my second year in the community college, my dad had an accident. A drunk driver hit his car and it overturn. When the police and ambulance got there he was already dead but my baby sister was alive, they took him to the hospital she was safe but fall in a come. A year later she woke up but the doctor said that she had a heart disease. The first she does not need operation but things started to get worse and they suggest that she should get a surgery."

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"When she was in coma, I know that my mama is going through a lot so I quit school and started helping her out. Even with the insurance money from my dad it was still no enough to cover Donna my little sister bills. I worked hard so that my mom."

"How is she now? Donna right her name?"

"She is alright from now, the doctor advice her to stay in the hospital till we get her a heart transplant."

"I understand if you need anything please do tell me." said Wyatt as she felt bad for Gabby.

"Thank you for understanding."

"No problem. I know how it felt to lose someone." agreed Wyatt as he have lose his mother the same as Gabby lose his father.

"I lose my mum when I was 7 years old. A drunk driver hit her car and she passed away on the spot, after her dead I was sent to an orphanage and from there I was determined to work my ass off and now I here. I work too hard that there only 2 things I do best work hard and being a player. That why I don't have friends because it too much. Even my best friend Jeff he would only called me up when there an awesome party to go too other that I all alone." said Wyatt.

"Well now you have 2 friends."


"You not only have Jeff who invite you to a parties but also me who you could always count on!" said Gabby as she felt bad towards Wyatt.

"Wow...we're friend now." said Wyatt as no woman would want to be his friend. The woman he had met have always want to sleep with him but never offer to be his friend.

"Yeah..we're friend since we friend if you need anything Wyatt just come to me. Just for your information I could punch anyone you want me too. I can fight!!I can protect you." boasted Gabby to make Wyatt feel better.

"You can fight wow!!!" said Wyatt as they laughed together. Gabby look at her phone and saw that it nearly going to be 7pm, she stood up and say,

"I'm going to sit there, she give me the signal and yeah I don't have your number?" said Gabby. Wyatt suddenly took her phone and start to punch in his number and give her back her phone.

"Well now you do!" said Wyatt. Gabby smile and walk to the other table on the other side of the cafe looking at Wyatt table while waiting for Denise Wilson to show up.

Denise came in sharp at 7pm, she know how Wyatt looks like the moment she enter the cafe. She taps at his shoulder and introduce herself to him. At first it was all alright but after nearly 20 minutes Wyatt was talking to her, he knew straight away that she was not the one. Denise was alright but all she did was touch his hand unnecessary, talking about how great she felt that he finally look her way and it's all about her which the lady he met last night was not a self-absorbed person. Wyatt took the tissue from the table, pretend to wipe his mouth and place the tissue on the edge of the table making it fall off. He pretend to take it when suddenly his phone rings. He look at his phone and saw a number which he hope is from Gabby. He look up at Denise and excuse himself to answer the phone.

"Hello..yes!! What!!NO!!Right now..I can't I am with a lovely lady right now I can't just leave her?What...what the heck are you guys doing?Fine I'm leaving now!!!" lied Wyatt while he hung up the called and looked at Denise who was looking at him worried that he might leave her only after meeting him for less that 30 minutes.

"I'm sorry sweetheart but I have to go there something urgent that I need to take care of." pretend Wyatt.

"Oh..I understand why don't we exchange number." said Denise while she took out her mobile phone from her bag. Wyatt stood up and says,

"I got your number I call you. Goodnight!" Wyatt walk out of the cafe pretend to be in the hurried to get back to his office without bidding goodbye to Denise. Wyatt walk to his car while he parked few block away from the cafe so that Denise did not see him driving off with anyone. He got into the car and saw Gabby was already inside the car.

"She's not the one?"

"Nope too self-absorbed." said Wyatt as he drive off.

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