Chapter 19

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Jeff walk over to Gabby after taking a called. He wanted to be there for her. He tries to call Wyatt but still no answer for now he could not leave a text message for Wyatt to call him back. Jeff sat next to Gabby while putting his arms around her shoulder.

"Where is your mum?"

"She went to her locker to get her things."

"Are alright?"

"No I am not!"

"Gabby I know you going to pull through. if you need anything anything please do tell me."

"Thank Jeff you have been helpful. You came when I told you about Doona payment."

"Hi anything for you." Jeff hug her again to give her comfort when Dr Ben walk towards the. They let go of the hug but Jeff still keep her arm around her.

"Gabby again I am sorry." said Dr Ben as he felt sympathy for Gabby and Jenny after all that they have done for Donna.

"What happen! You say she is stable for the next 10 hours until then I should make the payment for the operation."

"She has a cardiac arrest and we try to save her but her heart give up."

"I understand but what I don't understand is the donor. I thought that she supposed to have that donor why was it given to any patient?"

"I am not sure what was going on but for what I know someone pulls string. 2 days ago, a teenager girl took his father car and got into an accident. Her father is rich and he manage to get someone to pull some string from her. What I was told that someone told him a heart was ready here and he should come here."

"Do you know who was it?"

"Cindy Henderson!"

"What!!!" said Jeff and Gabby as they were shock to heard what the doctor said.

It was already 4pm and everyone who attend Donna service started to leave. Jenny and Gabby was saying goodbye to the guest who had come and pay their last respect for Donna. Gabby was hugging her aunty when she heard her name being called. Gabby look's and saw Wyatt and Cindy was looking at them. Gabby bid farewell to her aunty before walking back into the hall to prepare to pack everything. Wyatt follow her and says,

"Gabs..I'm sorry."

"It alright thank you for coming." said Gabby very fast as she did not want to talk to either of them. Gabby keep walking without looking back.

"Gabs come on." said Wyatt as he felt really bad. Right after he saw the message that Jeff left for him, they check out immediately and told his captain to flight back as soon as possible. Out of all the days, his phone have to die the moment that Gabby needs him the most. He should have been there for her and Donna. If he would have, Donna would still be here. Wyatt pull her hand and says,

"Gabbs...I'm sorry."

"Thank you for coming Mr Groves but I need to be alone." said Gabby as she pull her hand and continue to walk out to the private room.

"I'll talk to her." said Cindy as she walk into the private room to see Gabby. She felt bad about what she did but that was the only way.

"Gabby I'm sorry!" said Cindy. Gabby who was putting things away stop and turn around angry at what she had did of all the people in the world why must it be her.

"You're sorry!!!Does you're sorry can bring Donna back? Can it bring her back to life? Huh!!!" shouted Gabby.

"Gabby I did not know that it will be like this!!"

"Do you know that you were playing with someone life!! My sister life for goodness sake. And it all because of Wyatt!!! Because he and I was close. How could you?"

"I did it because I love him I'm so sorry." beg Cindy for forgiveness. Gabby grab Cindy arm shaking her and says,

"Can your love bring her back? Can you sorry bring my little sister back to life Huh!!" Gabby then push Cindy down just in time Wyatt walk in and saw Gabby push Cindy. Wyatt immediately went to Cindy.

"What the heck Gabby?" shouted Wyatt at Gabby while helping Cindy up. Cindy start to cry while Wyatt try to clean the dust around her.

"What happen?" demand Wyatt. Gabby did not say anything but looking at how Cindy was acting in front of Wyatt, she's waiting to see what Cindy was going to say next.

"I was....just telling her how sorry I was but she started shouted about something!! I..I don't" cried Cindy while hugging Wyatt.

"Gabby it was my fault why are you hurting her. She did not know anything!!" scolded Wyatt.

"Did not know anything!!Huh!!" smirk Gabby. Wyatt push Cindy away and walk closer to Gabby who was smirking at Cindy after what she did.

"Why are smiling after what you did? Do you know who you are to push her? You are just another office girl I pay so how dare you push her with your dirt hand!!" said Wyatt making Gabby looked at him stoned cold. Gabby look down and wipe her tear which was falling down her eyes. She looked back up and says,

"I'm sorry I'm just an office girl." Gabby took her bag and dash out of the private room. Wyatt looked at her go, he felt like shit the moment those word was come out from his mouth. Cindy walk over to him and hug his back.

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