Chapter 24

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Gabby walk out of the meeting room after she had reunite her client with the person he have been waiting for ever since high school. Elizabeth her secretary walk beside her and pass her some document that she had request.

"Is this all of it?" question Gabby as she read through the document.

"Yes Gabby all of it is here. The floor plan, invites and ever name of wedding planner."

"Good thank you . I know this is not your job."

"No worries... anyway I love wedding. Do invite me to the wedding though!"

"No problem!!"

"Just to inform you Mr Groves is here, he's waiting for you at your office." said elizabeth.

"Oh...fuck I forgot!!" said Gabby as she run to her office. She suddenly remember that Wyatt had return from Manhattan and she was supposed to meet him at the airport.

When Gabby reach her office, she could hear Wyatt and Jeff was talking and laughing with a lady. She opens the door and saw they were laughing at something. Wyatt looked at her and smile at her.

"I'm sorry!!!" said Gabby as she slowly walked over to Wyatt who walk towards her too before hugging her.

"It's alright I called Jeff to pick me up anyway." reply Wyatt as they pull away from each other.

"Remember tomorrow lunch. You guys need to be family hates me remember!!" said Jeff and his fiance's Kimmy who is their company lawyer who have help them ever since they have open their company.

"We see you tomorrow." said Wyatt as he put his arms around Gabby.

Once the door close, Wyatt looked at Gabby and says,


"I'm sorry!!! I was caught up with another client and I totally forget that you coming back today. Sorry!" apologize Gabby. Wyatt pull her down to his lap.

"I know you're busy. That why I have asked Jeff if you could take the week off before you become more busy because of the wedding. And he agree."

"But I have a lot..."

" have only me the whole week and after that you can go back to work. I need you right now!!" said Wyatt as look at her will full love and care as he was 2 years ago when she accept him which 1 year later they said their vows as husband and wife. Gabby could only smile at his small romantic gesture which never falls to make her heart beat faster.

"Okay!!! Fine if you said so!!!" agrees Gabby to Wyatt idea.

"Good because we need to go!!" said Wyatt suddenly as he stood up and pull Gabby out of her office.

"Where are we going?"

"Santorini Greece!!"


"Because we are meeting Jeff parents there and our 2nd honeymoon my queen!!" said Wyatt as they went into the lift. Wyatt immediately stop anyone to enter the lift and close the lift door so that they could be together. While the door was closing, Wyatt push Gabby closer towards him before pressing his lips towards her and passionately kiss her.

Wyatt and Gabby lived just like every fairy tale in the book, happily ever after. She might not be his Cinderella or he's the prince charming but to Wyatt she's the queen that live in his heart which he's the crazy knight that will always be there when she needs him. 3 months after thanks to Gabby Jeff and Kimmy got marry in front of a thousand guest where Gabby found out she was pregnant for 3 months. Jenny and Ben got marry the same time as Gabby and Wyatt which they live happily at Africa where Jenny and Ben volunteer to care for the sick people there. As Donna was very precious to them, Wyatt had made a special arrangement to place, his mother, Donna and Gabby's father together at the cemetery. Right after Wyatt Cindy choose to work harder so that she could build her dream law firm and stop waiting for her prince charming.

As their fairy tales stopped, life goes on not alone but together to open another fairy tales stories with their one true love.
                            The End!!!

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