Chapter 13

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Jeff walk out of the lift and start to look around for Gabby. He had come to Gabby as he wanted to talk to her again. He wanted to know why Wyatt prefer her more that him. He is Wyatt friend ever since high school and he could not shake the feeling that he prefer her that him who has been with him throughout his career.

Jeff saw Gabby was walking into the ladies washroom and decided to follow her in without realize he had to enter the ladies washroom.

The moment he enter, the ladies who was using the washroom suddenly scream making Jeff jump back and walk out of the washroom. Gabby was saw that he enter went out to him.

"Jeff what are you doing here?" questioned Gabby.

"Um..I'm here to meet Wyatt!!" lied Jeff. Gabby looked at him suspicious about him.

"Jeff I was not born yesterday, you are not here to meet Wyatt correct instead you are here to meet me right?" question Gabby again. Jeff looked at him ashamed that he got caught.

"Fine!!! I'm am here to met you! I can't trust you I felt that you have other agenda to be close with Wyatt!!" challenged Jeff.

"I figured!"


"I understand how you feel Jeff, I would have done the same but it does not make it okay for you to just walk into the ladies washroom."

"I did not know that was the ladies washroom ok!" said Jeff angrily.

"Why don't we go somewhere else to talk!" suggested Gabby. Jeff agrees and they walk down to the lobby where there was a cafe for them to talk.

Jeff stare at Gabby for a long 5 minutes. Gabby looked at him and says,

"Are you done staring? Because it start to make me uncomfortable!!"

"I trying to figure out what are you plans!!! At the moment I have a few ideas about you!!!"

"My plans is to get Wyat empire and bury them on the ground!!!"

"I knew it!!!" shouted Jeff, at that moment Gabby started to laugh at him for taking her word seriously.

"You're funny and quite an imagination!!! Wyatt is luckily have you as his best friend!!" compliment Gabby. Jeff look at her shocked to have such compliment. Never in his life someone told him some nice. It has always been "He's lazy, he crazy and always playful, never ambitious!!" but never something nice.

"You think so?" asked Jeff.

"Yes I am!"


"Because if you are not all that, you would not be worried about Wyatt, you would not have come here to talk to me. And I believe that you are a good person and will do anything to protect Wyatt. So reassure that I have no agenda to do any harm toward Wyatt or take your friendship away from him." replied Gabby. Jeff started to feel embarrassed for what he had done. He looked away so that he does not show to Gabby how embarrassed he was. After a while he turn back and looked at Gabby and says,

"Well I take your word on that. If you lie young lady you are in big trouble!!" threaten Jeff as he try not to show her how sorry he is.

"Yes sir!!" joked Gabby as she start to laugh and Jeff start to laugh too.

"Well since that settle I'll better get going before he saw me here!" said Jeff as he stood up and wanted to go before he turn around and continue,

"This weekend would you like to be my plus one?" Gabby look at him puzzle what he had just said,

"I was invited to a picnic this saturday and I was told to bring a plus one. Since we are friends would you please accompany me since my best friend already have someone special with him and I will be left alone which some time lonely."

"I would love too." replied Gabby.

"I'll pick you up!" said Jeff as he continue to walk.

"But do you have my address?"

"Don't worry I know where you live!" said Jeff before he exit out of the building.

"Should I be worry?" worried Gabby that Jeff knew where she live.

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