Chapter 20

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Jeff stomp in Wyatt office the next day. He could not believe what he heard from Gabby. Gabby did not want to tell him but after forcing her for hours finally she break in and told him everything. He could not believe that Wyatt would just said that towards her. Wyatt and Cindy was sitting at the sofa when Jeff dash in. Jeff pull Wyatt up from the sofa and punch his face twice. Cindy stood up and started screaming for someone to help. 2 of Wyatt security came in immediately when they heard Cindy was screaming for help when they were doing their rounds.

"You son of a bitch!!" shouted Jeff towards Wyatt, Wyatt did not wait long and start to punch Jeff back, the security pull them apart.

"For what you said to Gabby I will never forgive you!" shouted Jeff.

"Do you know what she did?? Huh!!! She push Cindy when Cindy was being so nice towards her!!!" shouted Wyatt. Jeff push the security and says,

"Do you know what your Cinderella did to her or worse Donna?" Wyatt look at Cindy who suddenly looked guilty.

"Both of you can leave!!" order Wyatt to the security.

"But Mr Groves." said one of the Security.

"LEAVE NOW!!!" shouted Wyatt so that securities could leave. They left and Wyatt walk closer to Jeff.

"What the fuck did you just said?"

"Ask Cindy what the heck she did? Ask her?" demand Jeff. Wyatt turn to Cindy and says,

"Babe what is he talking about?"

"I...I don't know!!" lied Cindy.

"You liar. She was the reason Donna passed away. She told someone that there was a heart ready in the hospital that Donna was in, they pay more and the hospital give it to them. On the night she passed away she had a cardiac arrest and she need to have the transplant soon and to do that Gabby had to pay another 100 000 dollar. She tries called you a few time but you did not answer, but Cindy did. Gabby told her everything about it and was waiting for you to called back but you never did, so she called me I paid for her but it was too late we could not safe Donna!!!" cried Jeff for what they did to poor Donna and Gabby. He never cry for anyone but today he did So Wyatt knew that Jeff could never lie to him. Wyatt turn to Cindy and walk closer to her.

"Baby...I...I can explain!!"

"Explain!!" said Wyatt calmly.

"I...all I want is to make sure your mine. I...I did not know it could happen that way!!" explain Cindy. Tears drop from his eyes, what have he done?

"Do you know what you have done? DO YOU??" shouted Wyatt as he grab Cindy shoulder and hold it tight making Cindy shoulder very painful before pushing her away. Wyatt look at Jeff before he could say anything Jeff say,

"From today onwards we're no longer friends. It's over!" Jeff did not want to hear anything else from Wyatt and left. Wyatt wanted to run after Jeff but Cindy pull his hand. Wyatt look at Cindy and shouted,

"Why!!! Why!!!"

"Because...because I'm scare of losing you!! I am scared that you might fall for her."

"I love you ever since I met you that night. And if it's not for her we will never meet again! How could you do that to her?"

"See this is what I'm scare of? You are angry at me who is trying to be with you. She meant more to you than me!"

"Because she make me feel like I have a family before I met you. She was the only one who understand me more that anyone else before I met you again. She important to me just as you are."

"Do you really need her? You have me is it not enough for you? I am your Cinderella while you're my Prince Charming." said Cindy as they looked at each other eyes, in all honesty Wyatt don't know if he is a prince Charming that Cindy has been looking for.

"I don't know!! She was the one who help me so that I can find my Cinderella and my happy ending. I don't know if I could ever be your Prince Charming without her after this?" said Wyatt as he walk out of the office. 

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