Chapter 6

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Gabby was rolling the trolley to at the finance department sending the letter which was from them. She set each of their letter one by one nicely at their table while slowly rolling the trolley.

"Gabby...Gabby!!!" panik Anna while she run towards her.

"Anna what's wrong?"

"The damn photocopy machine that what!! Help me it's stuck again." begged Anna. Gabby smile and they walk the photocopy machines area.

Gabby look at the photocopy machine and slowly follow the instruction from the machine. After less than 5 minutes she manage to get the photocopy machine working again.

"Ta...dah..." said Gabby.

"Thank're a lifesaver." claimed Anna while she start to print her papers.

Gabby wanted to go back to what she was doing when suddenly someone shouted her name.

"Gabby!!!Gabby!!" Gabby turn around and saw Wyatt was shouting and running towards her like a crazy person. Everyone in the office look at him and was puzzled of what they are seeing. Wyatt run towards Gabby and says,

"Have you had lunch?"

"Nope cause it's not lunch yet!"

"It is now." said Wyatt as he pull Gabby hand but Gabby pull her hand back and says,

"Mr Groves I am sending letters now!!!" Wyatt look at the trolley of letter and look around. He suddenly says,

"Hi everyone well listen just for today would you all mine to take your letters from this trolley, I need her now. So please help yourselves." everyone look at each other and one by one took their letter from the trolley while Wyatt pull Gabby hands out from the finance department.

Wyatt and Gabby walk into the gym and saw a lady was running at the treadmill just like Marie George told Gabby when she called her when Wyatt took her to the cafe across the street for lunch. Wyatt and Gabby went their own way the moment the enter the gym. Wyatt went to the treadmill beside Marie and start to slowly run in the treadmill. Marie turn to her right and saw Wyatt was already beside her.

"Sorry I had to ask you to come here inside of a restaurant or cafe." said Marie.

"Well no problem I need the exercise anyway." smile Wyatt. They started to talk at first it was alright but then Marie start to talk about work and work and more work in finance and how she need to be ready to become the next Managing Director. Wyatt immediately know that she not the one, Wyatt suddenly start to sneeze.

"Oh..I'm sorry you were saying." pretend Wyatt. Marie continue to talk about the company when Wyatt phone rings.

"I'm sorry will you excuse me." said Wyatt as he walk out of the gym to answer the called when the actually reason was he wanted to get away from Marie as soon as possible. Gabby was already waiting for the lift when Wyatt came just in time.

"She's not the one?"

"No...Too much talking about work and how much she want to become the next MB!" said Wyatt as they enter the lift.

While they were going down, Gabby phone started ringing, she answer it the she know right away who was it.

"Gabby..Gabby!!!" said Donna excitedly.

"Hi baby..whatcha doing?

"Nothing...mummy here and she would like to know if you are coming today. I missed you!" said Donna.

"Um..I missed you too but baby I'm in the middle of working.I promise I visit you this weekend alright!" apologized Gabby as she felt bad for not visiting for so long.

"Alright I'll tell mummy. I see you this week end. Bye!!!" said Donna while giving her kisses and after a while she disconnect the phone. Gabby place her phone back inside the pocket. Wyatt look at Gabby and says,


"Yeah, she wanted me to visit her but I can't right after this I have to run to my part time job." sigh Gabby. The lift door open and they walk out of the lift and walk to the car part which Wyatt parked just outside of the building entrance.

"Which hospital is she in?" said Wyatt.

"North Angel Hospital." replied Gabby. Wyatt unlock his car and ordered,

"Go in!!"


"I have another job for you!"


"I pay extra remember!" reminded Wyatt.

"Alright!" said Gabby as she went into the car. After a while, Wyatt drove off.

After 30 minutes, Wyatt drive into the North Angel Hospital carpark. Gabby look around and was surprise to be at the hospital where Donna was. She looked at Wyatt speechless and confused with what he is trying to do. Wyatt parked the car, he turn to Gabby who was looking at him.

"What!!!Am I too handsome? Because I feel that I am too handsome today!" joked Wyatt.

"What are we doing here? This is where Donna is!"

"Really...oh... then why not drop her a visit. I really want to meet this princess." said Wyatt as he walk out of the car. Gabby went out too and follow Wyatt into the hospital.

"Lead the way!!!" said Wyatt as the enter the hospital. Gabby stood in-front of him and says,

"I thought you want me do something for you? Like a job?"

"This is a job...being here with me visiting a friend sister and your job is to help me pick up a gift for her!!." lied Wyatt. Gabby was touch at how he wanted to make her visit Donna.

"So this way!!!" said Wyatt as he wanted to walk to the wrong side.

"That way to the gift shop!!!" said Gabby as she pointed to the gift shop.

"My bet!!" said Wyatt as he walk to the gift shop.

After a long 15 minutes on deciding on what to buy for Donna, Wyatt finally decided to buy almost all the stuff animals. in the gift shop which was about 10 stuff animals. Wyatt and Gabby walk out of the shop and walk to the children ward at the 2nd floor. When they walk into her ward which 4 other children with the same condition was there.

"Gabby!!!" shouted Donna happily. Gabby place the stuff doll down on the bed and hug her baby sister tight.

"I thought you're not coming." said Jenny their mother.

"Let's just said my boss is the nicest boss ever." said Gabby as he stood next to Wyatt.

"Mum Donna meet my boss Mr Wyatt Groves." introduce Gabby.

"Hi!!! This must be Princess Donna. Look what we got for you!" said Wyatt as she show all the stuff animal to Donna.

"Wow...mummy I can make animal zoo!!Yeah" said Donna as she start playing with stuffed animal.

"Mr Groves!!" said Jenny.

"Please Wyatt!!"

"Wyatt you don't have to do this!"

"Don't bother mum, we were arguing which animal was faster and cuter. End up he bought almost all of it." complained Gabby.

"Well she is very precious to my friend here and I want the best gift for her." reasoned Wyatt as he looked at Donna who was playing with the stuffed animal. Donna saw that Wyatt was looking at her, she offered him a tiger stuffed animal and they started to play with it together. Jenny walk to Gabby and pull Gabby away from them.

"Did I heard wrongly that he claimed you're his friend?" questioned Jenny.

"I helping him with something right now somehow we become friends."

"I...don't know what to say." said Jenny was they look at Wyatt who was happily playing with Donna without caring what people are saying about him.

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