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"An apple a day keeps anyone away if you throw it hard enough"~ unknown



I walked outside the school and jumped into my Chevy Impala, I threw my bag into the back seat.


I hit the steering wheel, "Oh come on!!"

I put my head down on the steering wheel, it's times like these where I contemplate all my life decisions.

I heard a knock at my window, great someone saw me acting like a crazy person, but then again I'm not acting Crazy, I am crazy!!

I looked up and saw The twins standing there, I cranked up and then rolled my window down and mustered up a smile, "yes"

Luke smirked, "what's up with you, why the out burst of rage"

Duke smiled, "Yeah for a minute I thought you were going to turn into the hulk"

I opened my mouth to say something when they turned towards each other and exclaimed, "Oh my god she's the female version of the Hulk!!"

They were jumping up and down together, and all I could do was laugh, these guys and their superhero's.

Luke smiled, "we can be a dream team I mean I'm Spider-Man obviously, he's the flash, your the hulk, Noah is beast boy, and Oli's Aqua man"

"Whose Flynn"

Duke smirked, "Were not sure yet, because he had the same features as Captain America, but I feel like he's more of a leader like Superman"

I shrugged, "then who's Batman"

There eyes widened and they turned to each other I laughed and pulled out of the parking lot and drove home, looks like I made new friends today.


I walked into the house and closed the door behind me, I held my bag in my hand along with the now blue splattered canvas and paint bottle.

I went downstairs and laid the canvas down next to the many other ones and then I sat the blue paint, with the rest of my paint, I chunked the empty blue paint bottle into the trash and ran back upstairs.

I went into my room, I would probably be home alone by myself, because dad had an extra shift at the hospital.

I slipped my shoes off and plopped back onto my bed and then yelled, "Home Sweet Frickin Home Baby!!!"

I then peeled my black socks off and slipped my shirt off only leaving me in my oversized striped shirt, well more like sweater I'm not actually sure.

I took it off over my head and then sat up I tossed my clothes into the dirty clothes bin and noticed it spilling over the top I groaned.

Mental note to self, do my laundry.

I got up and went to my closet, I looked inside and pulled out my white painting shirt.

I slipped it on and then I pulled my hair up into a messy bun. I looked down at my golden locket and held it in my hands.

I took it off and then opened it and sat it on the corner of the picture frame of my mom, I only had lost memories of her.

I never met her, but by the way dad talked about her I could guess me and her would've been inseparable.

She died when I was born, she knew if she had me she would die, but she told the doctors to take the risk anyways, dad says he never found out until last minute.

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