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"Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you" ~ Carl Jung



Well...it looks like I was wrong he could ignore me, the movie was over and he still hadn't said a thing to me.

I walked over beside Amber, "hey do you want to stay the night since it's a Saturday, I'm sure my dad won't be home until early in the morning we probably won't even see him"

She nodded, "Yeah I'll get Oli to follow you guys and drop me off with you"

I nodded and then told everybody bye and got into Flynn's truck, he cranked up and started driving.

I looked over at him, "did you like the movie"

He didn't answer instead he made a grunting noise and kept driving, I scoffed what the heck did I do to him?

Wait did he figure out my plan?? How could he I didn't even tell anybody? Would if he's a mind reader??

Okay now I just sound crazy, oh wait maybe it's because I am crazy!!

I chewed on my bottom lip and then decided to try again, "do you want to stop and get something to eat, I mean it's not like I have anything to eat at my house and you probably missed dinner"

He didn't respond...again, I was starting to get agitated with him I rolled my eyes as we pulled up to my house, "Flynn why the heck are you ignoring me I haven't even did anything to you!! You've just been acting distant ever since our hands touched in the popcorn bucket, I mean if you want your personal space then you could've just said so instead of acting like a giant ba.."

His lips smashed into mine, making me forget everything I was rambling about.

I didn't know exactly what to do, I'd never really kissed anyone, well unless you count in kindergarten when I kissed my supposed "boyfriend"

He brought his hand up to cup my cheek, and so I moved mine to the back of his neck I didn't know what to do he pulled away briefly and smiled, "you know it might be a bit better if you kissed me back"

I didn't have time to respond before his lips were pressed against mine again, I tried to kiss back to the best of my ability.

He seemed to like it because he pressed my seatbelt, and then lifted me up and placed me on his lap, I placed my hands on the side of his face and then something hit me.

I'm making out with FLYNN RYDER in his truck in front of my house!!

I pulled away and he looked at me, "what's wrong, are you okay did I do something"

I got off his lap and opened the door, he looked at me confused, "hey wait where are you going, what happened"

I closed the door and and then I saw Amber walk up to me her face looked a bit flushed, I'm sure mine was red thank god for my Carmel tint.

She looked at me and her brows furrowed then we spoke at the same time, "why are you....never mind"

I laughed and so did she, I opened the door and I heard something weird ...it was my dad, but the weird thing was he was laughing.

Amber smiled, "I'm going to go upstairs, can I change into your sweatpants"

"Uhm I'll have to bring them upstairs there in the laundry room"

She nodded and went upstairs to my room, I turned and walked into the kitchen My dad was on the phone, he hung it up and then looked over at me.

He turned and started doing something I'd never seen him do he was cooking dinner, "hey sweetheart where were you"

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