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"Of course I dress well, I didn't spend all that time in the closet for nothing." ~unknown



"Flynn quit, I'm really trying to win this one."

I laughed and pulled her closer to me wrapping my arms around her waist nuzzling my head into her neck I loved her sweet flowery smell, it wasn't necessarily a flower but like a mixture of aromas that made me feel whole.

She giggled and then pushed me away, "let me win this game then I'll we'll do whatever you want to do."

I couldn't help but smirk at the idea of getting to do anything, she rolled her eyes, "with restrictions."

I laughed and backed away watching her throw the ball towards the bottles knocking them down. She jumped up in excitement and hugged my neck, "I did it, Oh my God Flynn I did it."

I laughed and then hugged her back, "I see go pick out your stuffed animal I have something I want to do."

She smiled and ran over to the toys...


I felt someone tapping my side aggressively, I pulled Alex closer to me trying to keep myself entangled in her warmth....wait if Alex is in bed with me then...

I felt someone flick my head and I opened my eyes and looked up to see her brother standing there he had his arms crossed and motioned for me to follow him. He walked out and I pulled away from Alex and stood up following him out, all the while trying not to shit my pants.

I still remember that left hook he threw on me when I said those things about his mother and Alex. I followed him down the hall and into what looked to be his room, it was darker and actually smaller than Alexandria's.

He sat down in a bean bag chair and then opened up this mini fridge and pulled out two beers. He glanced up at me, "you can sit down you know?"

I sat down on the opposite chair and then he handed me the beer after he opened them both. He sipped it and then he looked at me, "you wanna smoke?"

I nodded and then he handed me a cigarette and tossed me the lighter. I lit it and then I was about to ask what he needed when he spoke out, "Jake and my sister aren't a thing are they?"

I shook my head, "they never were."

He nodded and then started laughing I looked at him and honestly wasn't sure what to do Id never really talked to anyone in her family and the only time I did I got the shit punched out of me.

He stopped laughing and then turned to me, "you like her a lot don't you? I can see it all over your face."

I sat up fumbling the cigarette in my hands, "I do, she means a lot to me, I mean I would do anything, I mean anything to make her happy."

He finally looked at me making eye contact, "how did you know you liked her, liked her I mean do you just get a certain feeling or.."

I laughed out softly and brought the cigarette to my lips before exhaling, "can I be completely honest?"

He nodded, "please."

"She just showed up in art class and she was beautiful, she took my breath away and I didn't know what to do, but I played it off I just talked to her though on the inside I was kind of freaking out I mean, I've dreamed about your sister since as long as I can remember and when I saw her in real life actually there it freaked me out how gorgeous she was."

He sat up more and then looked down, "do you love her?"

I shrugged, "I'm pretty sure, I mean I've never been in love before but I doubt it feels anything as good as this does. She honestly completes me."

He sat his beer down and then ran his hands over his head and started hitting himself and murmuring, "fuck, fuck, fuck."

I didn't know what to do, I heard him sniffing and wiping his eyes and then he looked at me and there was so much seriousness in them, "I'm going to tell you something that you can't tell anybody, I mean anybody not Alex, or my dad, or any of your friends got it?"

I nodded inhaling more smoke from my cigarette he sighed and then looked me in my eyes, "I think I'm gay."

My eyes widened and I sat my beer down standing up. I put the cigarette behind my ear and paced around his room, "Well shit, how long have you thought this."

He shook his head, "I always had a feeling when I was younger but my friends when I grew up they'd always talk about gay people like, like they were monsters, and disgusting creatures or something so I tried to fight it and deny it I really did."

"Is that why you've went through girls faster than a cheetah can catch his prey?"

He nodded, "I honestly don't know what I was doing I think I was trying to find myself, so I'd get a skinny girl and see if that's what my dick needed to get up, but it didn't work so then I tried a girl with an ass, a girl with tits, a gurl with curves, a girl with the perfect amount of everything! I tried and tried but nothing ever fucking worked until I-I Met this boy and he made me fucking blush."

I shook my head and then sat back down beside him as he sipped the beer, "what's his name."

He laughed and then looked down, "that's for me to know and you to guess."

I shook my head and then sipped my beer he looked at me, "your good for her, my sister I mean she's always talked about this perfect guy and to be quite frank you look a lot like them."

I smiled, "well thank you."

He smiled, "your welcome, but your friend list needs a bit of tweaking what are you going to do about that Oliver bitch."

I took the cigarette from behind my ear and hastily inhaled it before blowing out, "I'm going to kick his ass that's what I'm gonna do. I don't why the hell he put his fucking hands on her I never knew he was like that and were best friends, if he had a problem with her he should've told me."

He shook his head and sipped the last of his beer, "I don't know but if you don't do anything I'm going to beat his ass and yours."

I laughed, "Believe me I'm beating his ass black and blue, the little bitch."

He laughed and then he looked at his t.v. and nodded towards it, "you want to play a video game?"

I nodded, "your on."

He turned on the tv and gave me a controller and then he handed me an ash tray and I put my cigarette in it, before finishing off my beer and attempting to kick his ass in this game.


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