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"A million words would not bring you back, I know because I've tried. Neither would a million tears, I know because I've cried" ~ unknown



I finally finished the dishes, I turned on the faucet and began scrubbing my hands, it would take a good scrubbing to get rid of the violation my hands were feeling.

What even was that brown funky stuff, what in tartarus was Daniel making when I was at school.

Fun fact about Daniel; he tries to cook

Key word being try!! He can't cook to save his life, actually he probably could I could see the scene playing out.

'If you want to live cook me a chocolate cake"

Daniel smirks like the idiot he is, "okay"

Daniel works in the kitchen for a while comes out covered in cake batter with a lopsided chocolate cake, 'here you go mr. Kidnapper sir'

Kidnapper grabs fork bites into cake, falls over starts having spasms dies out, because Daniel put bleach in the mix claiming he was trying to clean the spoon off.

"Hey, did you hear me I finished your signatures"

I snapped out of my day dream, funny those were usually about mr. Perfect

I smiled at the canvas, and hugged him, "sweet Daniel these look great"

He hugged me back, "I know, now how's my cookie cake looking"

He peeked into the oven and began slipping on the mitts, "it's going to burn if I don't take it out now"

He took it out and placed on the top of the stove and then the front door started to jingle.

In walked my tired looking dad, he forced a smile, "hey kiddos what's up"

Daniel smirked, "I did the dishes like you asked, and made a cookie cake meanwhile marshmallow over here locked herself into the basement.

Dad nodded, "thank you Alex, Daniel take the trash out"

His jaw dropped and I smiled and grabbed the towel, I whipped his behind with it and smiled, "cheaters never win Dani boy"

I hugged dad and gave him a kiss on the cheek, I then walked over to the plates and took out three, but dad was heading upstairs.

I called up to him, "dad are you not going to try the cookie cake"

"Not tonight I think I'll just go to bed, goodnight sweet heart"

I looked up at the stairs and watched him walk into his room, I knew what was wrong everyone in this house knew what was wrong.

My birthday was Coming up, marking 18 years without mom, my birthdays were never really a jolly time he tried to be happy but I couldn't even ask for that out of him.

I remember my 5th birthday, He bought a cake and we lit the candles and everything but even my five year old self knew it was something was wrong.

So on my 15th birthday, I asked if we could stop celebrating my birthday, it didn't feel right to be celebrating when my mom wasn't here with us, and it was because of me.

Ever since then we haven't celebrated any of my birthdays, I usually shut everyone out on my birthday Amber understood, she constantly tried to reassure me it wasn't my fault but I knew the truth.

Daniel wrapped his arm around me with the trash in his other hand, "he'll be okay, we always are Mello"

I forced out a smile, that me and him both knew was fake, I cut the cake and put a slice onto two plates, and then put the other plate back.

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