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"When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew." ~William Shakespeare



Flynn looked over at me and then he nodded at the money, "that doesn't look like flowers and chocolates to me."

I closed the envelope, "they've never sent me money before, I wish I knew who it was."

Flynn smirked, "well it's looking like I've got some competition."

I rolled my eyes playfully, "I'm just going to find out whoever it is and then ask them stop."

He shrugged, "why? I mean your getting free stuff out of it."

I smiled and then read over the note again, something was different about this note, there was one more X then usual and the N came after instead of before the xoxo.

Besides that the hand writing was also different it was messier, if I didn't know any better I'd say this one wasn't the same person but someone imitating my secret admirer.

Flynn looked over and grabbed my hand, "we can focus on that problem later, how about now we talk about how good you look in that overall dress."

I knew my cheeks blushed pink, "thanks you're not too shabby yourself."

He smiled and then drove down the roads as I stared at him expectantly, "where are we going?"

He shook his head, "nice try princess I'm not telling you."

I sighed and then turned the radio up and listened as Roses by Chainsmokers played on the radio.

"Take it slow but it's not typical
He already knows that my love is fire
His heart was a stone, but then his hands roam
I turned him to gold and I took him higher
But I'll be your daydream
I'll wear your favorite things
We could be beautiful
Get drunk on the good life
I'll take you to paradise
Say you'll never let me go.."

We pulled up at a building there were a bunch of cars around, he parked the car and then got out, I cracked my door open and then I was about to open it the rest of the way when he pulled it open smiling.

I hopped out and then he closed the door locking his truck, he reached down and grabbed my hand as we walked inside.

I looked down at our hands, and smiled this was really happening. We walked inside and it was dark except the neon lights that shone around the tiny room we were in. He walked up to the desk and a guy smiled, "hey how many?"


He nodded, "Alright that'll be $12.49"

Flynn took his wallet out and handed the guy a twenty and then he gave him back his change and we went inside this door.

I looked around and noticed there were people skating in roller skates. My mouth widened, "no, you should've told me we were going roller skating I would've went shopping for some jeans or something."

He rolled his eyes and then pulled me to sit in the seat beside him, "then I would've ruined the surprise."

"How is this quiet there's music playing."

He shrugged, "I said nice, fun, and quiet. This is the fun part trust me you'll like it, now let's get you some skates."

He stood up walking over to the window and then smiled, "Can I get a size 9 and a size..."

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