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"Sometimes the best way to appreciate something is to be without it for a while." ~ unknown



"Owww Amber, that hurts."

She tugged at the knot in the back of my head with a brush, "well maybe if you had've taken care of your hair in the first place we wouldn't be having this problem."

"I usually do I just was a little not focused on that yesterday."

She raked her hands through my hair as she had finally gotten the knot out. I sighed in relief as she straightened the last strand, "there now your hair looks good."

I smiled, "so how are things with you and Oli."

"Different that's for sure. I mean I feel like I always have to be extra cautious around him because I'm afraid he might lose his temper and just..."

I placed my hand on her shoulder and smiled at her, "Has he ever acted aggressive towards you before."

She smirked, "in the bedroom, but like that's another story."

I rolled my eyes at her while turning back around so she could braid my hair in pigtails, "well you have every right to be cautious around him. If I were you and it were Flynn who acted that way towards you I'd be pissed as hell."

She nodded and then rubbed her pants, "I just, I don't want to put myself in a dangerous situation, but I really like him I just I'm not sure anymore..."

"Well I'm no good with advice, you should've asked Nixlon or Noah. I swear those boys have literally the best advice."

She laughed, "Well would about Flynn what do you plan on doing about him?"

I shrugged as she put the hair tie on one braid, "well Nix told me I should give him time so that's what I've been doing for the past two days."

"Yeah he hasn't really been himself lately, but I'm not going to lie and pretend he's sulking over you because he hasn't said a word about you like at all."

I swallowed, "the worst part is, I think he could've been the one."

I heard her sigh, "well if that's the case and he is the one then fate will bring you back together right?"

I nodded as she put the hair tie on the last braid and I smiled sitting up, "I sure hope so."

She walked over and picked Minnie up going to my closet, "What do you want to do?"

I shrugged, "we could go eat pizza like we used to do and then come back here and watch movies."

She smiled, "yes, but no more cigarettes on the way there please I really don't like seeing you do that to yourself."

I shook my head, "fine, I'll quit but only on the way there as soon as we get back I'm lighting one up."

She rolled her eyes and then I grabbed my keys and we headed out.


It was Thursday, meaning exactly a week had passed since I'd talked to Flynn. A week since I'd started smoking rather frequently. Amber sat with me at lunch this past week and Nixlon always came at lunch. Avonti came one time and we all had fun.

One of the saddest things had happened this morning, I didn't dream about Flynn I can't even remember what I dreamed about actually.

I climbed out of bed and walked to Minnie's closet and fed her and then put water in there. I walked to my bathroom and brushed my teeth and then to my dresser and pulled out my grey shorts, and black tank top.

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