Chapter 1: It's All in the Past

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Warning: Swanna Girl and Braviary Man 2: Fight Against Oblivion may contain some themes that are too dark for younger audiences (hence PG 14 rating)

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Warning: Swanna Girl and Braviary Man 2: Fight Against Oblivion may contain some themes that are too dark for younger audiences (hence PG 14 rating). These themes include (but are not limited to): violence, blood, and cursing.

Also Warning: Chapters 29&30 get dark real fast with blood, at your own risk.

Now, with that out of the way, please enjoy the first chapter of Swanna Girl and Braviary Man 2: Fight against Oblivion. 


I turned around, seeing the darkness surround me. I could feel the fear running through me, but even so, I just kept looking around, wondering where I was at. When I turned around once more, I nearly screamed.

Taipan, a man who should've been dead, stood in front of me. His broad shoulders faced me as he stared at me, the scar marring his face being the only thing that disturbed his blank expression. I tried to move, but I couldn't get away. It was as if I was being forced to stare at that deadened face, not allowed to do anything else.

That was until a crack of lightning struck in front of me, causing me to fall backwards into a black abyss. Faces started to swirl around me, all of them faces I wanted to forget.

The first two were the Krait Twins, twin brothers with unnatural looking eyes. I felt my heart pounding as my breath started to shorten a bit. They tilted their heads side to side, as if trying to creep me out. Their eyes did that job, so why they had to appear creepier was beyond me.

Then Gila's face smiled, almost flirtatiously. I didn't get it. She was the one member of Team Miasma I would never understand as her hair and eye color changed every time. Still, it didn't matter as I remembered the taunts she gave.

The final face was the only one I didn't recognize, but it was in every nightmare I'd had. This face wasn't human either. In the darkness, I could see electrifying blue eyes staring right into my soul. While I looked into its face, I felt the thing reaching towards me with shadowy arms. As the thing touched me, I was consumed by darkness once again.

Once again, the vision changed, and I found myself in a dark cold place, one of which was seemed oddly familiar. I didn't like dark places, and I didn't like small spaces either. Too many bad things happened there.

Instead of hearing his voice, I heard another, one that made me want to curl up in a ball. It was because of her, Taipan, the leader of Team Miasma, was dead. While Taipan was going to destroy the entire region, it just felt wrong he died when he could've served his time in jail.

Every life, good or bad, had the right to live. It was a code I had to learn as a Pokémon nurse.

"I've got what I wanted," Lantana's voice echoed in my mind. "You should be able to handle the rest from here."

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