Chapter 11: The Krait Nightmare

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My eyes slowly opened to find myself laying on a bed, or to be more accurate, a hospital bed

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My eyes slowly opened to find myself laying on a bed, or to be more accurate, a hospital bed. I could feel my body aching as I turned over to see a note laying on a stand beside it. It had big letters that spelled out my name. Without reading the note, I could feel my heart beating faster and faster as I had immediately recognized the handwriting.

It took every bit of strength for me to reach that note as it felt like it was slowly inching its way away from me. By the time I grabbed it, I sat up and opened it up.

Sylvia Gray,

I can't believe you were so stupid in going in with Rena on that mission. You could've gotten everyone killed! Don't you realize how dangerous that mission was? I should've gone with you. You should have let me go so I could keep my sister safe.

I just can't believe you dragged Hilda in on it either. The girl was injured enough, and you had to drag her into that mess. I'm very disappointed in you.

This is payback for being with someone else, isn't it?

If so, then I guess this is goodbye.


My eyes widened at the letter, not wanting to believe any of it was true. Rudi wouldn't have written something like that, would he?

Then I read the third paragraph, or rather, the single line that was there.

This is payback for being with someone else, isn't it?

True, I didn't want him to come because of that, but I mean, I had the right to be mad and not want him to come. I thought we could tell each other anything. I guess I could have confronted him about it, but that would only cause more harm. In the end, I could only picture us fighting once again, which, I didn't want. I hated fighting with him. I hated not being able to tell him what was going on.

If this was how he wanted to play things, then fine, so be it.

I looked around, realizing this wasn't a room I was used to. It wasn't the Pokémon Center, Rena's building, not even the underground hideout we always relocated at. This wasn't even the hospital Hilda was last at.

Something wasn't right.

I jumped out of the bed and looked around, wondering where I was even at. Looking down, I realized I was still in my nurse uniform, but my Poké Balls were nowhere to be found. My heart started to beat a bit faster as I looked for the door.

The minute I saw the door, I ran towards it. But seconds before I could reach it, the door disappeared. As I looked around, I realized there wasn't even a window present.

Sweat poured down my face as I started to run in circles, trying to find a way out of the room. I pressed on the walls, hoping for a trap door. When I couldn't find any, I looked back, finding the room had somehow shrunk since the last time. The walls were caving in and the bed was gone.

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