Chapter 14: Deal or No Deal

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Wherever Team Oblivion was hiding, it wasn't far from the White Forest

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Wherever Team Oblivion was hiding, it wasn't far from the White Forest. It was either that, or the Krait Twins didn't have any Flying-type Pokémon. I wouldn't be surprised either way.

I kept my head down, thinking of all the ways to get out of this mess, I mean, there had to be some way, right? The minute these guys loosened their grip, I could throw Swanna out and fly out of here. They didn't knock me out, so I still had a chance. All I had to do was make sure I stayed conscious and kept my Pokémon on hand.

That task seemed to be easier said than done.

"So, Swanna Girl," the Krait twin to my left started. "Why so quiet for three years?"

I took a deep breath and made an audible exhale, not saying a word.

"Come on, you know she's not going to say a word, right?" the other one pointed out.

"Still," the first twin moaned, "it'll be awhile until we get there."

"Where are we going," I growled.

"Ha! See! She talks! I told you!" the twin to the left cheered.

"Idiot," the one to the right muttered, exasperated.

He couldn't have said it any better.

After three years, I'd never expected the Krait Twins to act like this. Actually, I thought I was done with these two. But somehow, I ended up with them once again. Then again, a majority of the time I had to deal with them back when I was Swanna Girl.

My heart sank. They wanted to kill me back then, and they were so adamant in doing so too. I wouldn't be surprised if they were going to be doing the same today. This day just keeps getting better and better... I tried to think positively. At least I caught a new Pokémon. Except... The positivity faded. Now I just dragged her into this whole mess too. It seemed like there really wasn't an upside in all of this.

"So, got yourself a boyfriend?" the one to the left asked.

I didn't say one word as I kept my eyes on the ground, watching as the snow slowly disappeared. At least we'd have left somewhat a trail, so I could be easily tracked.

"I bet it's Braviary Man, or I guess you know him as Ruby, don't you?" the annoying Krait twin to the left continued.

"Archer, shut up," the twin to the right, Hunter, barked. For a moment, I thought he wanted some peace and quiet, but then he glanced over at his brother. "And I don't think it's Ruby, it's Rudi, isn't it?"

"No, it's Ruby, like the stone," Archer insisted.

There was no way out of this. If I kept quiet, they'd pester me some more. If I said something, I could have it used against me.

"Who would name their kid Ruby?" Hunter asked.

Their complaining was giving me a headache. What they were arguing about was pointless. Face it, I knew a guy named N, and whoever his parents were seemed to have no imagination when doing that. Anything would be better than some letter, but hearing these two fuss about it was seriously getting on my last nerves. So what if someone named their child Ruby, or N, or Lethe for that matter? It shouldn't matter.

Swanna Girl and Braviary Man 2: Fight Against OblivionWhere stories live. Discover now