Chapter 13: A Forest Disaster

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The Poké Ball shook a few times before it sealed

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The Poké Ball shook a few times before it sealed. I sighed in relief, realizing I had never caught a Pokémon before. Musharna and Audino were both given to me, Swanna was already caught when I found his Poké Ball, and my first Pokémon was one I had naturally befriended.

Musharna looked at me as if to tell me she knew we could do it. Before I could say anything, the little purple and pink Pokémon tackled me into the cold snow before snuggling her head into mine. I laughed. What was it with this Pokémon's need to snuggle 24/7?

Maybe that was a question I could ask Landon sometime.

When Musharna finally jumped off and let me stand up on my own two feet, the Pokémon decided to float beside me, snuggling her head on my shoulder. I smiled as I wrapped my arm under her and scratched her on the side of the head.

While cuddling with the Pokémon, I started to realize something felt off. I kindly let go of my Psychic Pokémon and looked around. It was then I heard some Pokémon screaming out of nowhere. I didn't think as I jumped up to my feet started running towards the sound. Musharna floated beside me, not leaving my side, but not cuddling either as she must've known how dire the situation could be.

There was this feeling in my gut that someone was watching me, like the time I woke up at Rena's place. This time, it felt a bit more real.

I hope I'm wrong, especially since this is just paranoia. That's all it could've been, right? After all the nightmares I'd  had, and receiving threats from Team Oblivion, this just had to be normal. 

A part of me knew that was wrong as I ran through the snow. Whatever was lurking around, I felt like I was going to find out soon enough.

"Sylvia!" I heard Rudi's voice yell.

I turned around to see Rudi running as fast as he could with Braviary by his side. Somehow, while Rudi and I were racing to catch Pokémon, taking off our separate ways to do so, he had managed to lose his red winter hat and a glove. Immediately, I knew he had to have lost it due to a Pokémon, making me sigh in relief that he was alright.

Rudi wrapped his arms around me as his fingers threaded their way through my hair. "I heard a noise and thought it was you."

"No," I said pulling away, as the screaming noise happened again, "but I think we need to find out."

My boyfriend nodded his head as we both turned to run towards the source of the noise. I mentally made a note of all the Pokémon I had, thinking of their moves as we ran.

If I was right, I would need every one of them to help out. I really hoped I was wrong.

After running and following the screams for a few minutes, I stopped as I saw some rare Pokemon running past me. They were running for their lives. I looked back, seeing more and more of them running away.

This couldn't be good.

Rudi quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me away, just before a branch of a tree came falling down, sending snow up in a powdery shower when it landed. My eyes widened. Had he not have been there, I would've been squashed in seconds. I took a deep breath as I felt my heart start to race.

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