A Note From the Author

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Before I get to some fun facts scout the book, I just want to thank all you wonderful readers who keep reading. I mean, it's because of all of you that I keep publishing more into the series, getting inspiration for new books, and whatnot. Plus you are all are the real MVP's for making it this far in the book, especially with the last couple of chapters.

I'll admit, between this one and the last one, this book was harder to write. I tried adding the original B&W heroes, add more pictures and other stuff to help enhance the story, along with adding more of a complex storyline. Because of that, the next book will be a bit more of a challenge as I want to raise the bar higher (if that's possible) as I want these books to get better and better.

Of course, I didn't mean for the book to end on such a sour note, but the chapters after that felt like crap writing them, and I seriously couldn't write anything but Syliva feeling like a horrible person. Trust me when I say that it would've been awful going through. I promise, the next book will have a much happier ending (if all goes as planned...)

Now, like the last author's note I did for SGBM, I'm going to share a few facts and details about this book, and a bit about the next. So, here we go.

1.) I spent way too much time in giving a meaningful name for Team Oblivion.

As you were probably reading this book, you might have noticed how much I stressed the Oblivion factor. Well, that's because I put WAY too much time into it. At one point, they were called Obsidian, but I realized this one was more fitting as this was making people mindless to control the world was their goal. Oblivion works better than Obsidian (which had NOTHING to do with that).

Other than that, the four major antagonist have meanings as well. Starting off with Lethe, his name stems from the River of Lethe in Greek Mythology, where this river would make one forget who s/he was. Fitting for the boy who was trying to do good for his sister, but could easily forget as soon as the words, "Now I must ask you, who's side are you on, Lethe?" came out of one of someone's mouth.

So ya, his character...I spent way too much time working on. But it worked. I mean, who would've guessed Sylvia had a brother? Or that the brother was completely forgotten about. Hehehe...I'm going to shut up and get to the other names.

Shadow is based on, well, shadows. They are in the dark, they follow you wherever you go. If you're anything like my puppy, you're more than likely to be scared of your own shadow. I mean, let's be real, shadows in nighttime can be scary if you're all alone. Hence why I named him that.

Shade Krait...okay first off, I needed something to go with the name Krait. Shade means complete darkness, which worked when she could knock someone out and see their nightmares.

And lastly, Dusk. First off, I didn't really spend much time on her, just that she had a Darkria and I wanted a cool name that would be Dark. I wasn't going to name her Dark because I didn't like that. Dusk is the time that the sun goes down, which is the time Team Oblivion usually made their attacks anyway. Besides, you only saw her at night, so it's fitting.

2.) Our Protagonists and Team Miasma have meanings too.

Probably doesn't come to a shock either because I put way too much thought into this. I won't get into the detail of Team Miasma, seeing as they aren't "defeated," but I mean you can probably look up words and find out, and it shouldn't really be that surprising either.

Starting with Rena. I merged two powerful  women from two different tv shows (Regina from OUAT and Lena Luther from Supergirl). Anywho, both of these characters are boss, and I wanted this character to have a powerful name, so I combined the two.

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