Chapter 10: A Mega-Filled Battle

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Papers were scattered all over the desk as Officer Jenny tried sorting through them

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Papers were scattered all over the desk as Officer Jenny tried sorting through them. Something about this old case of hers wasn't adding up. For over three years, Swanna Girl and Braviary Man had been completely quiet. Then, out of nowhere, they returned to help out Nurse Joy.

Then again... Jenny stood up and walked over to her giant tac-board with faces and strings all over it. This was a project that she'd been working on since Hilda's disappearance. The Champion had a blue string on her picture that ran to Unova's other ex-Champion, Hilbert. It didn't surprise the police officer that the two of them had disappeared less than a year after taking their posts as Champions.

What got Jenny was that they seemed to be working with Team Plasma's ex-leader, Natural Harmonia Gropius. Every member of Team Plasma had been placed behind bars, except him. It didn't make sense. How was it that every time the police got so close to arresting the leader, he disappeared?

More importantly, what did the heroes of Unova have to do with him?

Jenny's eyes trailed to a different colored string. It was black. No matter what happened in this region, it seemed as if these people dressed in black would always be there. There were too many of them, as if they were an evil organization like Team Plasma or Team Miasma. The only difference was that they didn't have a symbol on their clothing.

It was as if they were ninjas ready to strike, but at what? What could be so important that they would need to stay hidden? My eyes trailed on every picture of these ninjas we had. The first of a woman, who seemed a bit older than the others, so my guess was that she was in her mid thirties, while the others were in their early thirties, late twenties. She had dark hair pulled back in braided pigtails and unforgettable purple eyes. Then, there was another, younger man with oddly-colored silver hair and onyx eyes. As for the third member, she had short red hair cut right below the jawline and brown eyes that were glaring into the picture, as if she knew we had caught her.

The problem with these three leaders was that all of them were nameless. The police couldn't get names on any of them. It was as if they wanted to be erased, but why?

All Jenny knew was that she and the other officers had to keep these attacks on the down low. If someone were to find out that they weren't keeping the citizens of Unova safe, then they'd all be doomed. The police force, the international police, even the gym leaders... They were doing everything they could to keep this region safe.

But how could they when they couldn't find out what this organization was?

Jenny slapped her hand on the tac-board, which accidentally landed on the two newest members that had been added to the people in this mess.

Nurse Joy from Nacrene City and a young Joy from the Sinnoh region. It was Jenny's job to keep them safe, especially Nurse Joy, but that was more personal information that no one needed to know about except Nurse Joy herself. Regardless, what was it that these people wanted with them?

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