Chapter 20: A Lethal Shot

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A few days prior, Lethe had been pacing back and forth in the current Team Oblivion compound

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A few days prior, Lethe had been pacing back and forth in the current Team Oblivion compound. According to the higher ranked grunts, they had to keep moving every four days or so to keep their identities hidden. Most of the grunts were wanted criminals, a few wanted Unova to be run differently, while others had nothing better to do.

Lethe, well, he was one of the lucky few who was recruited.

None of that really mattered. There were five tiers of the grunt ranks, and he was in the second. The first and top tier consisted of the commanders. They were the only ones that could choose which missions their unit could go on. Lethe's grunt leaders were O7 and O9. Those were their given names from the three leaders, that was.

Lethe wasn't even the boy's actual name, but after working for Team Oblivion for five years, he realized it was best to forget what his old name was along with a majority of his past. It was probably for the best, given his tier. They were the "selected" few who had "talents" of some sort. Most were actual criminals who could sneak into a bank to acquire more funds without being monitored. Lethe never went on those missions. He wasn't needed in that field, nor did he have the expertise.

The lower three tiers didn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. The third tiers were combat fighters. Fourth tier were the scouts or spies. Fifth tiers was where newbies usually started, whose job was to do household-like chores and doing the dirty work.

Well, usually that was where new members started. Lethe was one of the handpicked few that started in the rank he was currently in. Usually, once moved from one tier to the next, it meant there was no way of being moved again. It was the leader trio's way of showing their authority. That didn't mean Lethe couldn't move. Since he started up near the top of the ranks, he could very well be moved up to the first tier or down to the bottom.

After the amount of stunts he'd pulled, he was surprised they hadn't pushed him down. He guessed they had their reasons, and those reasons made him positive that he was being used. He wouldn't have lasted five minutes had they not found use of his gift.

It was a gift Lethe's mother had warned him would get him in trouble if anyone knew, just like his father. Some days, Lethe found it as a saving grace, but most days, it was a curse. At least it made him feel better that he wasn't the only person who could see into the future, even if the only other person with this particular gift was his father.

Lethe never knew his father. He had passed away before Lethe was born. Because of this, his mother had to raise him on her own. It was just her and him for the most part, living in the shadows so no one could find them. He remembered how she would keep him quiet just so they wouldn't get caught. Whatever she had done to get herself in trouble with the law, Lethe figured it was best not to ask.

When Lethe lived with his mother, they didn't just hide, but were constantly on the move. It wasn't until Lethe's twelfth birthday that Team Oblivion snuck into the house they were living in at the time and killed his mother right in front of him. He was a fearful child back then, so he didn't—couldn't—do a thing. He had just watched, utterly horrified and about to be sick as the deed had been carried out.

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