|> Kaito Momota x Maki Harukawa <|

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[Requested][Fluff][Hope's Peak AU]


     Maki Harukawa was not someone who was used to feeling many emotions. She was not used to looking at someone, and feeling her heart step into stride, or feeling her stomach flutter with a smile, or least of all the scorching heat of a blush burning across her cheeks. Nor did she expect the bouts of fiery, lashing jealousy whenever she saw him with other people.

     He was far more popular than she would like to have admitted. No matter how many times she expressed how idiotic boy this was, no one ever seemed to leave him alone, let alone pay any attention to the feelings of the young red eyed girl. They'd simply give her a dubious look and turn back to their conversations. 'Oh, you think he's an idiot? Yeah. Sure then.'

     The object of her affection seemed to be everywhere. Nothing ever seemed to sway his popularity with his classmates. Somehow, Maki's plan to scare everyone else off habdnt quite worked out yet. She was no romance guru, and even she knew what she was trying was wrong on a fair few levels, and fairly vindictive, however she couldn't really see any other way to achieve what she wanted, even if she couldn't quite admit to herself that it was indeed what she wanted.

     "Hey, Maki-Roll," Kaito gave a grin and lifted his hand in a casual wave as he passed her in the hallway. She has been entirely in her own thoughts and almost stumbled over herself when he called her name in passing. He was continuing on past her on his journey somewhere. It wasn't his usual, slow, mindless slope which he had taken to doing while daydreaming - simply wandering around, lost in his own thoughts, going wherever his feet would take him - he seemed a little more purposeful but not exactly enthusiastic. She guessed he was indifferent about wherever he was heading. She was curious.

    "Kaito?" She returned questioningly and turned to peer over her shoulder, watching as he paused in place and turned to her with his usual endearing grin. He couldn't have been in that much of a hurry.

     "Only just noticed me, huh?" He chuckled and lightly rubbed the back of his neck, and Maki could feel the burning blush slowly seeping into her skin, crawling up her neck with a telltale redness.

    "Where are you heading?" She returned his question with another question, unsure what answering his either way would mean. Perhaps nothing at all, but she wasn't to know.

     "Straight to the point, huh?" Kaito laughed boldly and a few heads turned in their direction. She didn't recognise any of them, but she wished they would quit staring anyway. She shot them all a nasty glare and most of them turned away. Even if 5h4y weren't going to leave Kaito alone, they weren't so fond of Maki. "I'm off to mean an underclassman."

    "Who?" Maki replied, quicker than she realised. If she'd have noticed how eager she sounded, she'd have been embarrassed.

     "Her name was Maizono, or something..." Kaito replied and awkwardly scratched the back of his neck with a thoughtful upper quirk of his eyebrow. "Anyways, I should get going before I'm even later."

    He gave her a good-natured grin and half wave of his hand, before readjusting his jacket on his shoulder and turning, striding away from Maki down the hall.

    She wondered who this Maizono could be. She didn't have to wonder too long, when her eyes caught on the bulletin board on the wall. Mostly it was just filled with notices for classes and exams, but there was one bright blue poster pinned in the middle of the board.

     'Sayaka Maizono dress rehearsal show - All main course students welcome.'

    Ah, now Maki knew who she was. She was that idol girl the whole school had been buzzing about since she joined. Cute, popular and sweet as pie, Maki's insides burned. What did someone like her want with Kaito? It made her feel sick in her stomach not knowing what this was about. She had no other choice.

    She would have to follow and find out. Kaito had only just turned the corner of the hall, so Maki, with her skill, would have no problem tracking him. She quickly sped down the hall, a safe distance behind him, following him up a few flights of stairs until the reached one of the upper hallways. Maki almost blew her cover when she stumbled out into the hall, only to realise they were stood out in the open, and she quickly ducked back into the stairwell, watching them with sharp red eyes from the shadows.

     The interaction was much quicker than Maki had expected, she watched the girl greet Kaito, a few words seemed to be exchanged, and then a note was passed from her to him. He took it, slipped it in his pocket, then turned to walk away once more.

      Once she realised Kaito was coming back her way, to the stairwell, she quickly took the first flight down, but she only managed to reach the first landing.

     "Maki-Roll?" Kaito called out to her, and she knew she had no choice but to stop for him lest she make the situation any worse. He had effectively just caught her stalking him, not that he knew that. "What are you doing here?"

    "That doesn't matter." Maki responded quickly. She knew this was probably the most perfect opportunity, and in her own deterministic, black and white mindset, this was the do or die moment. "Why did that girl want to see you?"

     "Eh, what does it matter?" Kaito responded vaguely, his eyes darting off to the side nervously, and Maki suddenly knew her suspicions were more than likely correct.

    "It was a love note, wasn't it?" Maki responded without thought. She was unaware of the unconscious movement, but Kaito picked up on the soft clenching of her fists.

    "Here..." He responded softly and took the folded piece of pink paper from one of his jacket pockets and held it toward Maki. She took it almost reluctantly, as if the paper was searing onto her fingertips, and she gingerly unfolded it. Her stomach twisted in disgust as her eyes quickly raked over the neat cursive note, dotted with sickening hearts. "I haven't read it yet."

     "You don't need to bother." Maki responded curtly, scanning over the floral declarations of love in distaste.

     "Huh? Why?" Kaito looked bemused, his eyes widening a few fractions and Maki crunched the note up in her right fist.

     "You don't need anyone else." She declared, her face turning a deep red slowly but surely. "You already have me."

     "Wh-What are you saying, Maki-Roll?" Kaito responded, his own cheeks slowly starting to flush with a much lighter shade of blush.

    "I-I'm saying that I already like you, i-idiot..." She mumbled softly, averting her eyes away to the floor. When there was no response immediately, Make felt sick to her stomach, however, a softly and light laugh sent her chest into a flutter.

     "It's a good job I already like you too, Maki-Roll, what took you so long?" She looked up to be met with Kaito's wide grin, and she felt her heart pounding. She could barely stutter out anything in response, so she was thankful when he swung his arm around her shoulders warmly - despite how hot it made her face - and they turned and descended the stairs together.

    "Sh-Shut up.." She murmured softly and Kaito laughed, reignutinf the red on her cheeks with a soft kiss to her temple.

    "Whatever you say, Maki-Roll~"



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