The Scare - Day 5

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Epifanio woke up early. Camila was fast asleep. He smiled and stroked her hair. Camila placed her hand on his when he rested it on her shoulder. Epifanio had some business to take care of later that day, so he got ready early. He would be meeting with the DEA agents with Cortez, who was somehow still alive.

"Epi? What are you doing?" Camila asked, having just woken up.

"It's early in the morning, and you're already asking questions," he responded grinning.

"What time is it?" she asked with a yawn.

"It's 7:30. There's nothing really for you to do today, so you can sleep in. You were up late last night anyway."

"You know very well that I'm not going to do that."

"I didn't ask," he said seriously.

"Neither did I ask for your opinion," Camila said staring up at him from where she was lying.

"This is why I love you," Epifanio replied. "I have to head out later tonight. I'll be home a bit later the usual. I'm meeting with some DEA agents."

"This is what I hate about you running for governor. You're always out or working late."

"I think I get it now."

"What do you mean?"

Epifanio stared at her smiling. "You know very well I would never do that to you."

"I don't....wait..."

It took her a moment to realize what he had meant by 'never do that to you.'

"Epifanio! That's not what I meant!" she said, smacking him in the head with a pillow.

"Are you sure? You denial only makes me believe it more," he replied.

"Well thanks to you that's the only thing I can think about now!"

Epifanio laughed and hugged his wife. He had once again made her face turn red from an extreme amount of embarrassment. "You know," he said. "You look adorable when you're embarrassed."

"Callate bastardo (Shut up bastard.)," Camila replied with a cold tone.

All he could do was smile at her. It was impossible for him to not love her. Ever since their first day together, he knew that things would be difficult, but worth it.

(Time skip to later that afternoon)

Epifanio was speaking with Cortez. His phone rang, and he took the call. It was Camila, and she had been worried. He meant to arrive earlier to celebrate his wife's birthday.

"I thought you said you would be out a bit later than usual," she said.

"I know, but things took a turn and it's going to be longer than I thought," Epifanio replied, attempting to catch his breath.

Something was off, and he knew it. It was hard for him to breathe and his heart hurt. Camila was still speaking on the other end of the line and he tried to listen. Soon, it got to him, and Epifanio passed out onto the ground.

"Epifanio?" Camila asked.

"Someone call 911! Come on, breathe," said Cortez.

Camila knew something had happened. She had no idea what, but she knew she had to get to him fast. She told the driver to take her to the hospital and quick.

(At the Hospital)

     Camila walked quickly through the hospital to his room, when the two guards at the door stopped her

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Camila walked quickly through the hospital to his room, when the two guards at the door stopped her.

"A real man always knows his woman's step. Camila," he said. The guards then let her inside of his room.

Epifanio started to reach for the air tube he had. Camila, however, had other ideas.

"Leave it in," she said.

"Ah, motherfucker. It's not a good look for me," he responded, taking it out.

She then went to adjust the pillow he rested his head on. As she did, he grabbed her arm, making her jump slightly.

     "With each year that passes, you seem to get more beautiful to me," he said

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"With each year that passes, you seem to get more beautiful to me," he said.

Camila put her hands on his cheeks. Her expression changed from one of relief, to concern and ache. She had been so worried. He'd gotten a heart attack. It scared the living hell out of her.

Isabella got to the hospital as fast as she could after hearing that her father had a heart attack. As soon as she made it to his room, she went next to his side.

"I'm fine," Epifanio says.

Camila smiles sadly at him. For hours they sit at his side. The doctor then walked in the door and told them that they can all go home. Camila and Isabella waited out in the lobby for Epifanio. He met with them and they walked him out. They were not going to take their eyes off of him. Not after all that just happened.

                                                                       (At Home)

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(At Home)

Epifanio sat on the couch with his wife and daughter. He was to take some time off so he could recover from his heart attack. It would be better for him to relax, so another one doesn't happen. He, however, was uncomfortable with the idea. It made him uneasy.

Camila placed her head on his shoulder. Epifanio looked at her. Isabella had fallen asleep next to her mother. Camila closed her eyes. It had been a long day for all of them. It ha also been an especially scary one. Soon, he fell asleep as well.

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