A giant ass toad wtf

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So like naruto stripped down to his underwear dice he was just gonna keep falling in what the point.
Pervy sage (who's name is Jiraiya) saw his seal thingy and fixed it with looked very wrong seeing as he is a perv but whatever. He got it pretty quick after that.

Huh maybe that's why he sucked so bad at it. The Oreo man fucked everything up. Fucking hate that guy even more now. I could've gotten home and had a vErY good nap. Stupid.

A few minutes later Pervy sage showed naruto this thing where he bites his thumb and summons a toad. Naruto got all excited and stuff. All he managed to do was sign the contract and summon a tadpole with legs! A premature baby frog! Haha he sucked ass!

A fall asleep only to wake up and see Jiraiya push naruto off a cliff! Then the blonde boy was screaming and shit.

He somehow manages to bite his thumb and so the hand signs without messing up while falling down a fucking cliff!! How, just how? Ugh, anime logic.

Poof! And a giant ass toad appears! Then the toad and Naruto have a conversation. Bla bla bla long story short Naruto almost dies but he doesn't and Jiraiya is yelled at by the chief toad dude. (The giant ass toad). Then they train some more and they share popsicles and such. I got one as well and now my mouth will be blue fore the next two days!

Then we head back to Naruto's place while Jiraiya goes to who knows where (talking to the hokage about serious things like the kyuubi if you watched the anime he met up with ebistu (plz tell me how to spell his name) as well). We fell asleep curled up against my fluffy badass tails.

I no own any anime plz no sue me

I was dry more this chappy I'm sry.

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