Yay they finished after almost dying mutiple times!

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So like the snake man/women disappears to...somewhere after giving sasuke a hickey. You know everyday stuff. Sakura is the only one not half dead so she drags the boyz under a tree for shelter I guess. She sets some VERY visable traps that only work in movies cartoon and anime... oh wait....

After a little bit some dudes from the sound attack. I zone out and when I zone back in I see Sakura but off her hair. Some other konoha teams are helping out Sakura cus we all know she can't handle this by herself. (she be useless as fuck)

A little later the other genin teams leave after they win the fight against the sound peeps.

Sasuke and naruto woke up at some point I wasn't paying very much attention cus I know this world won't kill of any of the main characters yet so I got nothing to worry about.

They meet up with the kabuto dude and i zone out to when they were attacked again! I mean wtf why do you keep attacking them!

Oh, wait....their the main characters and plot is necessary....

After the fight they get a scroll and go to the tower and such and such. I get to go and congratulate them. Naruto ran up and hugged me like the cute little kid he was while the other two seemed less in the "hugging the ninetails" mood. Oh well!

They got to the tower just I time cus the second exams were starting right at that moment.

The proctor said something about having to many people that past and they were going to do a prelim before the actual exam after the hokage gave some speech about allies and shit like that.

The first fight was between Sasuke and some sound dude. The sound man could suck up chakra and Sasuke was basically fucked. Sasuke somehow won the match with a move he stole from someone else. He would've been fucked if he didn't know how to fucking copy other people's moves that they put cold sweat and tears into learning and mastering in a split effortless second. Stupid duck ass.

Sasuke's hickey started acting up so kakabaka when to take him somewhere whispering something about sealing to ducky.

The rest of the fights went on and naruto won his with a fart to the face.

(Author: you already know what happens so I'm to lazy to type it)

At the end all the winners came down and picked a number or whatever and were told who they were going to fight and that they had a month to prepare.

Hooray.......? Is that what I'm suppost to say?.......idk...

I no own any anime plz no sue me
How was it. I don't know why I ask you that when I already know it's trash like me.....

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